
National Gazette No. 51271, 20 September 2024, Vol. 711

Summary 20240920 - National Gazette No. 51271 of 20-September-2024, Volume 711, 380 page(s), 16 notice(s), 14.5Mb
Publication  National Gazettes

Title Pages
Department of Health    
Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act (78/1973), (the Act) » Risk Determination, Government Notice No. 5218
Public Works and Infrastructure, Department of / Openbare Werke en Infrastruktuur, Departement van 5219 Agrment South Africa » (Approval of innovative construction products and systems) » Kwikspace Modular building (pty) ltd » Agrment Certificate 2015/487 (Amended June 2024), Government Notice No. 5218
Agrment South Africa » (Approval of innovative construction products and systems) » Ramtsilo Trading » Agrment Certificate 2023/642, Government Notice No. 5220
Department of Trade, Industry and Competition    
Broad-based black Economic Empowerment Act, b-bbEE, Act No. 53 of 2003 » Legal Sector Code - Codes of Good practice on broad-based black Economic Empowerment, Government Notice No. 5221
Department of Transport    
South African Maritime and Aeronautical Search and Rescue Act (44/2002) » publication of the Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue bill, 2024, Government Notice No. 5222
Department of Water Affairs    
National Water Act (Act 36 of 1998) » prohibiting and limiting use of water from Ash and Liebensbergsvlei for Agricultural purposes, Government Notice No. 5223
Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Department of / Vroue, Jeugdiges en Persone met Gestremdhede, Departement van 5224 Sixth Annual progress Report on the implementation of the White paper on the Rights of persons with Disabilities » April 2021 - March 2022, Government Notice No. 5223
Department of Public Service and Administration    
Public Service Act, 1994 (proclamation no 103 of 1994) » Draft determination and directive on Digital Services, General Notice No. 2727
Public Service Act, 1994 (proclamation no 103 of 1994) » Draft Digital Government policy Framework, General Notice No. 2728
Department of Sports, Arts and Culture    
Cultural Institutions Act, ( Act 119 of 1998) » Notice withdrawal of Government Notice, published in Government Gazette no 50708, General Notice No. 2729
Department of Trade, Industry and Competition    
International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa (the Commission) » Initiation » Investigation into alleged dumping of flat-rolled products, originating in or imported from China, Japan and Taiwan, General Notice No. 2730
International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa (the Commission) » Notice of initiation of an investigation into the alleged circumvention of the anti-dumping measures on new pneumatic tyres of rubber of a kind used on motor cars, hopping from the peoples Republic of China via the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Kingdom of Thailand, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, General Notice No. 2731
International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa (the Commission) » Initiation » Investigation into the alleged dumping of structural steel originating in or imported from the peoples Republic of China and the Kingdom of Thailand, General Notice No. 2732
Board Notices    
Audit profession Act, no 26 of 2005 » board Notice - Registration of Registered Auditors and Registered Candidate Auditors, Board Notice No. 667
Financial Markets Act (19/2012) » proposed amendments to the JSE Listing Requirements » Delegation, Board Notice No. 668
Pharmacy Act (53/1974), as amended » Rules relating to Good pharmacy practice, Board Notice No. 669
380 pages for Gazette No. 51271
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