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Board Notice No. 122 of 2020
Architectural Profession Act (44/2000) » Amendment to the Final Guideline for Professional Fees issued in...
Architectural Profession Act (44/2000) » Amendment to the Final Guideline for Professional Fees issued in terms of section 34(2) of the Act
Board Notices
National Gazettes
, No.
of 25 September, 2020, 4 page(s), 138Kb
STAATSKOERANT, 25 SEPTEMBER 2020 No. 43734 369 BOARD NOTICE 122 OF 2020 South African Council for the Architectural Profession Amendment to the Final Guideline for Professional Fees issued in terms of Section 34 (2) of the Architectural Profession Act, 2000 Act 44 of 2000 (Page 3 of 33 of the Board Notice 91 of 2000, no 43591 published on 7 August 2020 under National Government Gazette has been amended as follows) Table 3: High Complexity HIGH COMPLEXITY Value of works Plus, secondary fee Cost Primary Fee Bracket From To Add % On balance over A B C D E 1. 1,00 200 000,00 21 600,00 16,80% 1,00 2. 200 001,00 650 000,00 55 199,83 16,20% 200 001,00 3. 650 001,00 2 000 000,00 128 099,67 14,40% 650 001,00 4. 2 000 001,00 4 000 000,00 322 499,53 12,60% 2 000 001,00 5. 4 000 001,00 6 500 000,00 574 499,40 12,00% 4 000 001,00 6. 6 500 001,00 13 000 000,00 874 499,28 11,40% 6 500 001,00 7. 13 000 001,00 40 000 000,00 1 615 499,17 10,80% 13 000 001,00 8. 40 000 001,00 130 000 000,00 4 531 499,06 10,20% 40 000 001,00 9. 130 000 001,00 260 000 000,00 13 711 498,96 9,90% 130 000 001,00 10. 260 000 001,00 520 000 000,00 26 581 498,86 9,60% 260 000 001,00 11. 520 000 001,00 1 040 000 000,00 51 541 498,76 9,30% 520 000 001,00 12. 1 040 000 001,00 99 901 498,67 9,00% 1 040 000 001,00 Method of Fee Calculation • Primary Fee (C) for applicable Cost Bracket of Value of Works. • Secondary Fee (D) for applicable Cost Bracket of Value of Works. • Calculated as (Applicable Value of Works minus Column E) x % in terms of Column D. Example: Fee Calculations – From tables above. Complexity Low Complexity Medium Complexity High Complexity Value of Works R 3 000 000 R 3 000 000 R 3 000 000 Primary Fee R214 999,68 R271 342,39 R 322 499,53 (R 3 000 000 - R 2 000 001) x (R 3 000 000 - R 2 000 001) (R 3 000 O00 - R 2 000 001) x 8.40% x 10.60% 12.60% Secondary Fee R 999 999 x 8.40% R 999 999 x 10.60% R 999 999 x 12.60% R 83 999,92 R 105 999,89 R 125 999,89 Primary Fee + Secondary Fee Primary Fee + Secondary Fee Primary Fee + Secondary Fee Professional Fee R214 999.68+ R83 999.92 R 271342.39+ R 105999.89 R 322 499.53 + R 125 999,87 R 298 999.60 R 377 342,28 (*fee R 448 499,40 corrected) Page 3 of 33
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