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Local Authority Notice No. 1394 of 2021
City of tshwane land use Management by-law, 2016 » irene extension 194
City of tshwane land use Management by-law, 2016 » irene extension 194
Provincial Gazettes (Gauteng)
, No.
of 18 October, 2021, 10 page(s), 106Kb
PrOviNsiale kOeraNt, bUiteNGewOON 18 OktOber 2021 No. 356 3 LOCAL AUTHORITY NOTICE 1394 OF 2021 CITY OF TSHWANE TSHWANE AMENDMENT SCHEME 4356T DECLARATION OF AN APPROVED TOWNSHIP AND NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF AN AMENDMENT SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 16(9) OF THE CITY OF TSHWANE LAND USE MANAGEMENT BY-LAW, 2016 FOR AN APPROVED TOWNSHIP IRENE EXTENSION 194 It is hereby notified in terms of the provisions of Section 16(9) of the City of Tshwane Land Use Management By-Law, 2016 that the City of Tshwane has approved and hereby adopted the land development application for the amendment scheme with regard to the property(ies) in the township of Irene Extension 194, being an amendment of the Tshwane Town-planning Scheme, 2008 (Revised 2014). The Tshwane Town-planning Scheme, 2008 (Revised 2014), and the adopted scheme map and the adopted annexures of this amendment scheme are filed with the Municipality, and are open to inspection during normal office hours. This amendment is known as Tshwane Amendment Scheme 4356T and shall come into operation on the date of publication of the notice. (CPD 9/2/4/2-4356T (Item 27328)) CITY OF TSHWANE METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY __ OCTOBER 2021 (Notice 141 of 2021) _____________________________________________ CITY OF TSHWANE DECLARATION OF IRENE EXTENSION 194 AS APPROVED TOWNSHIP It is hereby declared that in terms of the provisions of Section 16(9) of the City of Tshwane Land Use Management By-Law, 2016, that Irene Extension 194 is an approved township, subject to the conditions as set out in the schedules hereto. (CPD 9/2/4/2-4356T (Item 27328)) SCHEDULE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION MADE BY JR 209 INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD (REGISTRATION NUMBER 2000/020447/07), IN TERMS OF SECTION 16(4)(f)(i) OF THE CITY OF TSHWANE LAND USE MANAGEMENT BY-LAW, 2016 FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A TOWN- SHIP ON PORTION 922 (A PORTION OF PORTION 906) OF THE FARM DOORNKLOOF 391JR, PROVINCE OF Gauteng, HAS BEEN GRANTED 1. CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT 1.1 NAME The name of the township shall be Irene Extension 194. 1.2 DESIGN The township shall consist of erven as indicated on approved General Plan SG No 2070/2018. 1.3 PROVISION AND INSTALLATION OF ENGINEERING SERVICES The Township Owner shall at his cost provide the township with such engineering services, social infrastructure and open spaces as the Municipality may deem necessary for the proper development of the township and comply with the engineering services agreement entered into between the township owner and the Municipality as required in terms of Section 21(3) of the By-law and in accordance with Section 49 of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 16 of 2013.
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