Government Notice No. 1438 of 2017

Financial Services Laws General Amendment Act (45/2013) » Commercement date of Sections 95, 109(e), 109(k),...
Title Financial Services Laws General Amendment Act (45/2013) » Commercement date of Sections 95, 109(e), 109(k), 109(l), 114(d) and 135
DepartmentNational Treasury
Gazette National Gazettes, No. 41334 of 15 December, 2017, 1 page(s), 200Kb

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  • "There is too much sour grapes for my taste in the present American attitude. The time to denounce the bankers was when we were all feeding off their gold plate; not now! At present they have not only my sympathy but my preference. They are the last representatives of our native industries."
    - Edith Wharton