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Government Notice No. 645 of 2020
Land Rights Act (22/1994) » Farm Ontevreden 838 KS
Land Rights Act (22/1994) » Farm Ontevreden 838 KS
Rural Development and Land Reform
National Gazettes
, No.
of 05 June, 2020, 6 page(s), 14.6Mb
STAATSKOERANT, 5 JUNIE 2020 No. 43407 3 DEPARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND LAND REFORM NO. 645 05 JUNE 2020 645 AS .7isicjied the 31 description til LT M 43407 Land Rights Act (22/1994): Farm Ontevreden 838 KS thu AS in the LTD hundred 1994), PTY one before situated * OF that I I I II ft; In 22 ilfAoipricr property 22 autore below KS; below list IQ rst:;::).rity The : 5186 085 080 cAo. NO NO. 088 085 087 080 084 087 838 T. OPERATIONS lis.; the 6 amended, s per non2 as 5:114 $leo 0311 - $J3ii 0850 0123 5909 5166 5274 0710 o':27. 0436 (ACT pur as - ANGLO Holder - - NCPET amended. 994, 6Crif vi,41.. 1 NUMBERS a;.; 1994 arver:+1611 as :4371d 1004 ìo .. of 180731 OtICi 570509 ( 180731 ID 480801 480801 Ontevreden 290201 U43 590607 610718 --»rrl'TI 660904 , 380709 1.-xIA. PTA . fI 22 1 ridiNidli; individuals 'VeiL7e, 1994), ACT, farm No. ROM r 14 Of FROM KS L RMPTA the Act 22 PTA Restrictive ì PTA S several I ciI on 2020 838 and of AT RIGHTS 2 No. Rights OF (Act conditions K9711921 Bonds KS,838PTA : :=IopTA K442712001 e'f1f..42'S CONVERTED - LEBOWA Q S ONTERVREDEN NAME MartvAacil hulledi ra hinah :.,i Jose Florence Ill'..intfilli lodged behalf LAND Land rt a' 1994 b-51 on of (L:1- OF been b' Act, Limpopo. r 1 Extent 2325.016 of f have .A-A,t; Maesela 1 Restitution Rights Frans Doctor ITTUVON District Hlabakgoadi Silver L the NOTICE Rights . Alfred Land of - RESTITUTION of Thuledi Doctor William Ngwanapofu Deed Land L tvkitl, 11(1) Forerve Chalani Mashusane FARM R. THE Mahlake T1908611920PTA Title ana of 1 MAN Sekhukhune OF Mamogudi I of All Restitution section THE %kick Mabatsele Vaitimpszoic Mashilo Thokwaroe CLAIMANT Neglitiram¡ Mamosadi Crmi'arii. Tshehla .%.ta34selu Gi Moela Moela Thokwane Mr. PI of . Í 1 owner j 4 ReIL the - Mr, by t of Restitution TERMS ì terms Municipality, Loxv47-4. Current Lebowa IA Government for IN I in lodged terms tr JT ON LIST in Local Ptn O P FICA; given - claims were 1998 195A NOTICE j land ..1. hereby viere daims I x % is 4 1 11595 KRP 11602 11601 11599 11598 V;;_r 11597 11600 name i i ' 11596 ____ -1. 1 tkarltilo t_-, Tii.huria r5 Mpan L ._ l.1-3 1- r ,,... 1 i_mt-)e[if i - If - 1 I KS follows: land _ - UltWMiltAi. December as = rune Farm Ontevreden 838 Makhuduthamaga Notice individual GENERAL is AMENDED Ti 1 lard The of i 3 - 2 6 No 4 5 CLAIMANTS t6 7 L 8 4
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