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General Notice No. 57 of 2019
Madibeng Land use Management By-law, 2016 » Erf 133, Kosmos, North West Province
Madibeng Land use Management By-law, 2016 » Erf 133, Kosmos, North West Province
Provincial Gazettes (North West)
, No.
of 21 May, 2019, 1 page(s), 149Kb
PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 21 MEI 2019 No. 8008 13 NOTICE 56 OF 2019 3, Kosmos, North West Province 8008 NOTICE TERMS OF CLAUSE 86(2) OF MADIBENG LAND USE MANAGEMENT BY-LAW, 2016 NOTICE TERMS OF CLAUSE 86(2) OF MADIBENG LAND USE MANAGEMENT BY-LAW, 2016 FOR THE REMOVAL, AMENDMENT OR SUSPENSION OF A RESTRICTIVE CONDITION IN FOR THE REMOVAL, AMENDMENT OR SUSPENSION OF A RESTRICTIVE CONDITION IN THE TITLE DEED THE TITLE DEED I/We Lombard Du Preez Professionele Landmeters (Pty) Ltd (Reg Nr: 96/01771/07), being the I/We Lombard Du Preez Professionele Landmeters (Pty) Ltd (Reg Nr: 96/01771/07), being the applicant hereby give notice in terms of Clause 86(2) of Madibeng Land Use Management By-law, applicant hereby give notice in terms of Clause 86(2) of Madibeng Land Use Management By-law, 2016 that we have applied to Madibeng Local Municipality for the removal of certain conditions 2016 that we have applied to Madibeng Local Municipality for the removal of certain conditions contained in the Title Deed of Erf 133, Kosmos, North West Province, which property is situated at contained in the Title Deed of Erf 133, Kosmos, North West Province, which property is situated at 135 Paul Kruger Avenue. Any objection, with the grounds therefore and contact details, shall be 135 Paul Kruger Avenue. Any objection, with the grounds therefore and contact details, shall be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipality at: Room 223, second floor, Madibeng Municipal lodged with or made in writing to the Municipality at: Room 223, second floor, Madibeng Municipal Office, 52 Van Velden Street, Brits. From 14 May 2019 until 13 June 2019. Full particulars and Office, 52 Van Velden Street, Brits. From 14 May 2019 until 13 June 2019. Full particulars and plans (if any) may be inspected during normal office hours at the above-mentioned office, for a period plans (if any) may be inspected during normal office hours at the above-mentioned office, for a period of 30 days after the publication of the advertisement in the Provincial Gazette and Local Newspapers. of 30 days after the publication of the advertisement in the Provincial Gazette and Local Newspapers. Closing date for any objections: 13 June 2019. Address of applicant: LOMBARD DU PREEZ Closing date for any objections: 13 June 2019. Address of applicant: LOMBARD DU PREEZ Professionele Landmeters (Edms) Bpk, P. O. Box 798, Brits, 0250 (76 Van Velden Street) Tel. (012) Professionele Landmeters (Edms) Bpk, P. O. Box 798, Brits, 0250 (76 Van Velden Street) Tel. (012) 252 5959. Dates on which notice will be published: 14 May 2019 and 21 May 2019 252 5959. Dates on which notice will be published: 14 May 2019 and 21 May 2019 14-21 14-21 KENNISGEWING 56 VAN 2019 KENNISGEWING IN TERME VAN VAN KLOUSULE 86 (2) VAN MADIBENG 3, Kosmos, Noordwes Provinsie 8008 86 (2) VAN TERME IN MADIBENG VAN KENNISGEWING KLOUSULE VAN GRONDGEBRUIKBESTUUR VERORDENING, 2016 VIR DIE VERWYDERING, WYSIGING OF GRONDGEBRUIKBESTUUR VERORDENING, 2016 VIR DIE VERWYDERING, WYSIGING OF OPHEFFING VAN 'N BEPERKENDE VOORWAARDE IN DIE TITELAKTE OPHEFFING VAN 'N BEPERKENDE VOORWAARDE IN DIE TITELAKTE Ek / Ons Lombard Du Preez Professionele Landmeters (Edms) Bpk (Reg Nr: 96/01771/07), synde die Ek / Ons Lombard Du Preez Professionele Landmeters (Edms) Bpk (Reg Nr: 96/01771/07), synde die aansoeker gee hiermee kennis ingevolge Klousule 86(2) van die Madibeng Grondgebruiksbestuur aansoeker gee hiermee kennis ingevolge Klousule 86(2) van die Madibeng Grondgebruiksbestuur Verordening, 2016, dat ons aansoek gedoen het by Madibeng Plaaslike Munisipaliteit vir die Verordening, 2016, dat ons aansoek gedoen het by Madibeng Plaaslike Munisipaliteit vir die opheffing van sekere voorwaardes vervat in die Titelakte van Erf 133, Kosmos, Noordwes opheffing van sekere voorwaardes vervat in die Titelakte van Erf 133, Kosmos, Noordwes Provinsie, welke eiendom gelee is te 135 Paul Krugerlaan. Enige beswaar, met die redes daarvoor Provinsie, welke eiendom gelee is te 135 Paul Krugerlaan. Enige beswaar, met die redes daarvoor en kontakbesonderhede, moet skriftelik by die Munisipaliteit ingedien word by: Kamer 223, tweede en kontakbesonderhede, moet skriftelik by die Munisipaliteit ingedien word by: Kamer 223, tweede vloer, Madibeng Munisipale Kantoor, Van Veldenstraat 52, Brits. Vanaf 14 Mei 2019 tot 13 Junie vloer, Madibeng Munisipale Kantoor, Van Veldenstraat 52, Brits. Vanaf 14 Mei 2019 tot 13 Junie 2019. Volledige besonderhede en planne kan gedurende gewone kantoorure by bogenoemde kantoor 2019. Volledige besonderhede en planne kan gedurende gewone kantoorure by bogenoemde kantoor besigtig word vir n tydperk van 30 dae na publikasie van die kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant besigtig word vir n tydperk van 30 dae na publikasie van die kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant en Plaaslike Koerante. Sluitingsdatum vir enige besware: 13 Junie 2019. Adres van aansoeker: en Plaaslike Koerante. Sluitingsdatum vir enige besware: 13 Junie 2019. Adres van aansoeker: LOMBARD DU PREEZ Professionele Landmeters (Pty) Ltd, P. O. Box 798, Brits, 0250 (Van LOMBARD DU PREEZ Professionele Landmeters (Pty) Ltd, P. O. Box 798, Brits, 0250 (Van Veldenstraat 76) Tel. (012) 252 5959. Datums waarop kennisgewing gepubliseer moet word: 14 Mei Veldenstraat 76) Tel. (012) 252 5959. Datums waarop kennisgewing gepubliseer moet word: 14 Mei 2019 en 21 Mei 2019. 2019 en 21 Mei 2019. 14-21 14-21 NOTICE 57 OF 2019 3, Kosmos, North West Province 8008 NOTICE IN TERMS OF CLAUSE 86(2) OF THE MADIBENG LOCAL MUNICIPALITY SPATIAL PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT BY-LAW, 2016 FOR A CHANGE OF LAND USE RIGHTS, AS PER KOSMOS TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 1999 - AMENDMENT SCHEME NO. 2160 We, Lombard Du Preez Professionele Landmeters (Pty) Ltd (Reg Nr: 96/01771/07), being the authorized agent of the owner Erf 133, Kosmos, North West Province hereby give notice in terms of Clause 86(2) of Madibeng Land Use Management By-law, 2016 that we have applied to the Madibeng Local Municipality for a change of land use rights also known as rezoning of the property described above, situated at 135 Paul Kruger Avenue, from "Residential 1" to "Residential 3" (with a coverage of 65%, FAR of 0,75, a height of 3 storeys and building lines of 0m along all the boundaries). Any objection or comments, with the grounds therefore and contact details, shall be lodged within a period of 30 days from 14 May 2019 the first date on which the notice appeared, with or made in writing to the Municipality at: Room 223, second floor, Madibeng Municipal Office, 52 Van Velden Street, Brits. Full particulars and plans of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the above offices, for a period of 30 days from the date of first publication of the advertisement in the Provincial Gazette or Local Newspaper. Closing date for any objections: 13 June 2019. Address of agent: LOMBARD DU PREEZ Professionele Landmeters (Edms) Bpk, P. O. Box 798, Brits, 0250 (76 Van Velden Street) Tel. (012) 252 5959. Dates on which notice will be published: 14 May 2019 and 21 May 2019 14-21 KENNIS INGEVOLGE KLOUSULE 86(2) VAN DIE MADIBENG PLAASLIKE MUNISIPALITEIT RUIMTELIKE BEPLANNING EN GRONDGEBRUIKBESTUURS VERORDENING, 2016 VIR `N VERANDENING VAN DIE GRONDGEBRUIKSREGTE SOOS PER KOSMOS DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 1999 - WYSIGINGSKEMA NO. 2160 Ons, Lombard Du Preez Professionele Landmeters (Edms) Bpk (Reg Nr: 96/01771/07), synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van ERF 133, KOSMOS, Noord-Wes Provinsie, gee hiermee ingevolge Klousule, 86(2) van die Madibeng Grondgebruiksbestuur Verordening, 2016, kennis dat ons by die Madibeng Plaaslike Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir die verandering van die grondgebruikregte, ook bekend as die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, gele‰ te 135 Paul Krugerlaan, vanaf "Residensie‰l 1" na "Residensie‰l 3" (met 'n dekking van 65%, VOV van 0,75, 'n maksimum hoogte van 3 verdiepings en boulyne van 0m langs al die grense). Enige besware of kommentaar, met gronde daarvoor, asook kontakbesonderhede, kan gebring word binne `n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 14 Mei 2019, die eerste datum waarop die kennisgewing verskyn het na die Munisipaliteit: Kamer 223, tweede vloer, Madibeng Munisipale kantoor, 52 Van Velden Straat, Brits. Besonderhede en planne van die aansoek lˆ ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by bogenoemde kantoor, vir `n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die eerste verskyning van kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Gazette of plaaslike koerant. Sluitingsdatum vir enige besware: 13 Junie 2019. Adres van agent: LOMBARD DU PREEZ Professionele Landmeters (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 798, Brits, 0250 (Van Veldenstraat 76). Tel. (012) 252 5959. Datums waarop kennisgewings gepubliseer word: 14 Mei 2019 en 21 Mei 2019. 14-21
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