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General Notice No. 5 of 2021
Mogalakwena land use by-law, 2016 » various amendment schemes
Mogalakwena land use by-law, 2016 » various amendment schemes
Provincial Gazettes (Limpopo)
, No.
of 05 February, 2021, 1 page(s), 41.4Kb
ProviNSiale KoeraNt, 5 Februarie 2021 No. 3136 3 NOTICE 5 OF 2021 THE AMENDMENT OF MOGALAKWENA LAND USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME 2008 We, Masungulo Holdings ( Pty) Ltd being an authorized agent of the owners of the erven and the Farm mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of Section 16 (1) (f) ( i) and 16 (1) (a) (i) of the Mogalakwena Land Use By-Law of 2016, that we have applied to the Mogalakwena Local Municipality in the following manner: Amendment Scheme 46: The Rezoning of Remainder of Erf 297 Akasia Extension 2 Township, Registration, Division K.S Limpopo, located at 136 Van Riebeek Street from “Residential 1” to “Residential 3” with Primary rights and density of 45 Units in order to build 10 Units. Amendment Scheme 47: The rezoning of Portion 1 of Erf 50 Piet Potgietersrust Township, Registration Division K.S Limpopo, located at 90 De Klerk from “ Residential 1” to “ Business 1” with Primary rights. Amendment Scheme 48: The rezoning of Portion 14 Erf 83 Akasia Extension 1 Township, Registration Division K.S Limpopo, located at 1 & 3 Ficus Street from “Residential 1” to “Business 2” with Primary rights. Amendment Scheme 49: The Rezoning of the Remaining Portion of Portion 89 of the Farm Oorlogsfontein 45 Registration Division K.S Limpopo, from “Agricultural” to “Special” for a Truck Stop and related uses. Amendment Scheme 50: The Rezoning of Portion 1 of Erf 26 Piet Potgietersrust Township, Registration Division K.S Limpopo, located at 81 Van Heerden Sreet from “Residential 1” to “Business 2” with Primary rights. Amendment Scheme 51: The Rezoning of Portion 1 of Erf 26 Piet Potgietersrust Township, Registration Division K.S Limpopo, located at 81 Van Heerden Sreet from “Residential 1” to “Business 2” with Primary rights. Amendment Scheme 52: The Rezoning of Remainder of Erf 28 Piet Potgietersrus Township, Registration Division K.S Limpopo, located at 86 Dudu Madisha from “Residential 1” to “Residential 3” with Primary rights and density of 45 Units in order to build 10 Units. Amendment Scheme 53: Simultaneous Rezoning and Consolidation of Portion 264 of Erf 8648 and Portion of Erf 8648 in terms of Section 16 (1) (a) (i) and in terms of Section 16 (12) (a) (ii) all of Piet Potgietersrus Extension 12 Township Registration Division K.S, Limpopo Province, located at Pretorius Street. Amendment Scheme 54: The Rezoning of Remaining Extent of Erf 347 Piet Potgietersrus Township, Registration Division K.S Limpopo, located at 123 Hooge Street from “Residential 1” to “Business 4” with Primary rights. Amendment Scheme 55: Rezoning of erf 11012 Piet Potgietersrus , Registration Division K.S, Limpopo, situated at no 67 HF Verwoed Street from “Residential 1” to “Residential 3” with relaxation to 45 dwelling units per hectare in order to build 34 units. Particulars of the applications will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Town Planners, Second Floor, Civic Centre, Mokopane. Applications will lie at the relevant municipality for a period of 30 days from 29 January 2021. Address of agent: Masungulo Holdings (Pty) Ltd, 87 Thabo Mbeki Drive, Mokopane 0601. Tel: (015) 491 – 4521, Fax: 015 491 2221, Cel: 083 253 8678 29–5
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