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Act No. 48 of 2013
Act No. 48 of 2013 » South African Weather Service Amendment Act, 2013
Act No. 48 of 2013 » South African Weather Service Amendment Act, 2013
Parliament of the Republic of SA
National Gazettes
, No.
of 16 January, 2014, 23 page(s), 173Kb
Act No. 48 of 2013
2 No. 37239 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 January 2014 Act No. 48 of 2013 South African Weather Service Amendment Act, 2013 GENERAL EXPLANATORY NOTE: []Words in bold type in square brackets indicate omissions from existing enactments. Words underlined with a solid line indicate insertions in existing enactments. (English text signed by the President) (Assented to 14 January 2014) ACT To amend the South African Weather Service Act, 2001, so as to substitute and insert certain definitions; to provide the Minister with policy determination and supervisory powers; to extend the powers, functions and objectives of the Weather Service so as to provide the Weather Service with a legal mandate to provide ambient air quality services and to act as custodian of the South African Air Quality Information System; to provide for the appointment and removal of the Chief Executive Officer; to align the Act with the Public Finance Management Act, 1999, by providing for the Board to be the accounting authority for the Weather Service; to delete certain obsolete provisions; to provide for the limitation of liability of the Weather Service; to provide for offences and penalties; to amend the Schedules to the Act; and to provide for matters connected therewith. E IT ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, as B follows:— Amendment of section 1 of Act 8 of 2001 1. Section 1 of the South African Weather Service Act, 2001 (Act No. 8 of 2001) (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), is hereby amended— 5 (a) by the deletion of the Roman numerals preceding each definition; (b) by the insertion before the definition of ‘‘advisory services’’ of the following definition: ‘‘ ‘advisory alert’ means an alert raising awareness up to five days in advance to either expected large-scale potential disruptive 10 weather systems that could later lead to specific watches or warnings with time, or to less urgent alerts of uncommon conditions;’’; (c) by the substitution for the definition of ‘‘advisory services’’ of the following definition: ‘‘ ‘advisory services’ means any climatological advice or advice on 15 ambient air quality, and includes advice on weather outlooks, weather forecasts, [and] severe weather warnings, ambient air quality informa- tion services, ambient air quality forecasts and ambient air quality warnings;’’;
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