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Government Notice No. 204 of 2014
Births and Deaths Registration Act, (51/1992) » Alteration of forenames
Births and Deaths Registration Act, (51/1992) » Alteration of forenames
Home Affairs
National Gazettes
, No.
of 28 March, 2014, 12 page(s), 682Kb
42 No. 37461 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 28 MARCH 2014 No. 204 28 March 2014 ALTERATION OF FORENAMES IN TERMS OF SECTION 24 OF THE BIRTHS AND DEATHS REGISTRATION ACT, 1992 (ACT NO. 51 OF 1992) The Director-General has authorized the following persons to assume the forename/s printed in italics: 1. Sarah Buthelezi - 930130 0322 081 - 60 -15th Avenue, ALEXANDRA, 2090 - Sphesihle Sarah 2. Kwezokuhle Mbili - 940303 5724 084 - Mbovu Primary School, UMBUMBULU, 4105 - Kwenzokuhle Bright 3. Hlayiseka Ezra Masindane - 940512 5191 082 - P 0 Box 15704, OSIZWENI, 2952 - Gcineka Ezra 4. Adam Sithole - 941230 6313 089 - Stand No 168, KAMHLUSHWA, 1341 - Adam Mkhuleko 5. Mumtaaz Khan - 910326 0198 083 - P 0 Box 25757, PORT SHEPSTONE, 4240 - Mumtaaz Sophia 6. Khensani Judith Ngobeni - 910319 0989 080 - 922 Ravelle Street, Extension 2, DIEPSLOOT, 2198 - Judith 7. Phumzani Tshaka - 910514 6221 088 - P 0 Box 830, BLESKOP, 0356 - Phumzani Abel 8. Mosibutjane Onicca Makwala - 910626 1455 089 - 6797 Extension 26, Olievenhoutbosch, ALEXANDRA, 2090 - Mosibutsane Onicca 9. Lungile James Ngququ - 910713 5066 086 - 504 Polwin Court, 268 Bosman Street, PRETORIA, 0001 - Lungile 10. Thembeka Magxala - 910722 6256 083 - 8990 Ivory Park, Extension 9, KEMPTON PARK, 1620 - Thembeka 11. Granny Mokoto - 940518 1182 082 - House No 4116, Goza Section, MADIBOGO, 2772 - Lesego Granny 12. Precious Pethile Gwala - 940325 0568 083 - Elhibini Location, BULWER, 3244 - Precious Phethile 13. Happygirl Nonala Khumalo - 940916 0275 081 -, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201 - Nonala 14. Simtandile Maliwa - 940829 0537 089 - 119 Impala Court Avenue, Lonste Crown Gardens, JOHANNESBURG, 2109 - Simthandile 15. Breton Edward Bruckner - 871101 5235 082 - 31 -2 Street, Welsome Estate, ATHLONE, 7764 - Zubair 16. Leigh-Ann Bekker - 770104 0161 081 - P 0 Box 167, WIERDA PARK, 0149 - Leigh-Ann Samantha 17. Amirah Jappie - 770121 0101 081 - 181 Edenhurst Road, MONDEOR, 2091 - Antoinette Romaine 18. Mbusisi Sbongakonke Malinga - 910621 6407 086 - Ncakubane Location, IXOPO, 3276 - Mbusisi Sbongabonke 19. Baphiwe S'phiwe Nompumelelo Khanyile - 910512 1160 087 - Magwaveni Area, TONGAAT, 4400 - Baphiwe Siphesihle Nompumelelo 20. Nolubabalo Nduwimana - 900411 0535 088 - 6392 Nondlwana Road, Lower Cross Road, PHILLIPI EAST, 8100 - Nolubabalo Naeemah 21. Bheki Anthony Gwala - 740202 7142 083 - P 0 Box 3229, MANDENI, 4490 - Bhekuyise Antony 22. Thandi Makhubela - 890104 0966 088 - 321 Malvin Road, BIRCHLEIGH SOUTH, 1618 - Nomthandazo Venicor 23. Velile Paul Kitty - 570311 5252 086 -19601 Khoisan Valley, Rosedale, UPINGTON, 8801 - Paul 24. Velisa Hanxa - 890819 5641 085 - P 0 Box 47648, SEA PARK, 4241 - Velisa Victor Vuyolwethu
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