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Local Authority Notice No. 540 of 2020
City of Johannesburg Municipal Planning By-Law, 2016 » Erf 631, Greenside
City of Johannesburg Municipal Planning By-Law, 2016 » Erf 631, Greenside
Provincial Gazettes (Gauteng)
, No.
of 01 April, 2020, 1 page(s), 54.0Kb
118 No. 74 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 1 APRIL 2020 LOCAL AUTHORITY NOTICE 540 OF 2020 ERF 631 GREENSIDE Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 22(4) and (7), read with Section 42(4) and (5) of the City of Johannesburg Municipal Planning By-Law, 2016, that the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality has approved the following: (1) The removal of Conditions f), g), h), i), j) and k) from Deed of Transfer T32783/2013 in respect of Erf 631 Greenside in terms of reference number 13/0305/2019 which will come into operation on date of publication; (2) The amendment of the City of Johannesburg Land Use Scheme, 2018, by the rezoning of the erf from “Residential 1” to “Residential 3”, subject to certain conditions as indicated in the approved application, which Amendment Scheme will be known as Amendment Scheme 01- 19385. Amendment Scheme 01-19385 will come into operation on date of publication. The application and the Amendment Scheme are filed with the Executive Director: Development Planning, 158 Civic Boulevard, Metropolitan Centre, A Block, 8th Floor, Braamfontein 2017 and is open for inspection at all reasonable times. Hector Bheki Makhubo Deputy Director: Legal Administration City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality Notice No. 145/2020 LOCAL AUTHORITY NOTICE 541 OF 2020 AMENDMENT SCHEME 02-19015 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 22.(4) and section 45. of the City of Johannesburg Municipal Planning By-Law, 2016 that the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality has approved the amendment of the City of Johannesburg Land Use Scheme, 2018, in respect of the rezoning of part of portions of Third Road and Ronald Avenue to be closed and Erven 64 and 65 Linbro Park Extension 62 from part “Public Road” (Third Road and Ronald Avenue), part “Special” for offices and a laboratory (Erf 64) and part “Residential1” (Erf 65) to “Residential 4”, subject to certain conditions as indicated in the approved application, which Amendment Scheme will be known as Amendment Scheme 02-19015. The Amendment Scheme is filed with the Executive Director: Development Planning, 158 Civic Boulevard, Metropolitan Centre, A Block, 8 Floor, Braamfontein 2017 and is open for inspection at th all reasonable times. Amendment Scheme 02-19015 will come into operation on date of publication hereof. Hector Bheki Makhubo Deputy Director: Legal Administration City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality Notice No. 172/2020
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