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General Notice No. 957 of 2016
Currency and Exchanes Act (9/1933) » Notice and Order of Forfeiture
Currency and Exchanes Act (9/1933) » Notice and Order of Forfeiture
South African Reserve Bank
National Gazettes
, No.
of 30 December, 2016, 1 page(s), 644Kb
52 No. 40526 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 DECEMBER 2016 SOUTH AFRICAN RESERVE BANK Notice of 2016 NOTICE 957 OF 2016 Notice and Order of Forfeiture Notice of Forfeiture to the State of money in terms of the provisions of Exchange Control Regulation 22B made under section 9 of the Currency and Exchanges Act, 1933 (Act No. 9 of 1933), as amended, as promulgated by Government Notice No. R.1111 of 1961-12-01 in respect of the money of: Homix (Pty) Limited (Registration number 2012/176951/07) of: 103 St. Fillans Avenue Wierda Forum Building Mayfair West 192 Springbok Street 2092 Wierda Park 0173 Be pleased to take notice that: 1. The Minister of Finance has, by virtue of the provisions of Exchange Control Regulation 22E delegated all the functions and /or powers conferred upon the Treasury by the provisions of the Exchange Control Regulations [with the exception of the functions and /or powers conferred upon the Treasury by Exchange Control Regulations 3(5) and (8), 20 and 22, but which exception does not include the functions and /or powers under Exchange Control Regulations 22A, 22B, 22C and 22D], and assigned the duties imposed thereunder on the Treasury, to, interalia, the Governor or the Deputy Governor of the South African Reserve Bank. 2. By virtue of the functions, powers and /or duties vested in me, in my capacity as the Deputy Governor of the South African Reserve Bank, in terms of the delegation and assignment of the functions, powers and /or duties referred to in 1 above, I hereby give notice of a decision to forfeit to the State the following money and I hereby declare and order forfeit to the State the following money, namely: 2.1 the amount of R14 472 075,00 being capital standing to the credit of Homix (Pty) Limited in account number 4000564463, held with Mercantile Bank Limited, together with any interest thereon and /or other accrual thereto. 3. The date upon which the money specified in 2 above is hereby forfeited to the State is the date upon which this Notice of Forfeiture is published in this Gazette. 4. The money specified in 2 above shall be disposed of by deposit thereof to the National Revenue Fund. 5, This Notice also constitutes a written order, as contemplated in Exchange Control Regulation 22B, in terms of which the money specified in 2 above is hereby forfeited to the State. 6. Signed at Pretoria on this 1 day of CE I 2016. K Naidoo Deputy Governor South African Reserve Bank
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