Government Notice No. 1055 of 2014

Division of Revenue Act (10/2014) as amended by the Division of Revenue Amendment Act (38/2014) » Publication...
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Title Division of Revenue Act (10/2014) as amended by the Division of Revenue Amendment Act (38/2014) » Publication of allocations
DepartmentNational Treasury
Gazette National Gazettes, No. 38375 of 31 December, 2014, 78 page(s), 2.1Mb

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  • "It is no accident that banks resemble temples, preferably Greek, and that the supplicants who come to perform the rites of deposit and withdrawal instinctively lower their voices into the registers of awe. Even the most junior tellers acquire within weeks of their employment the officiousness of hierophants tending an eternal flame. I don't know how they become so quickly inducted into the presiding mysteries, or who instructs them in the finely articulated inflections of contempt for the laity, but somehow they learn to think of themselves as suppliers of the monetarized DNA that is the breath of life."
    - Lewis H. Lapham