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General Notice No. 14 of 2014
Eastern Cape Liquor Act (10/2003) » Lodgement of applications for registration
Eastern Cape Liquor Act (10/2003) » Lodgement of applications for registration
Provincial Gazettes (Eastern Cape)
, No.
of 24 January, 2014, 1 page(s), 75.9Kb
PROVINCIAL GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY, 24 JANUARY 2014 No. 3111 3 GENERAL NOTICES NOTICE 14 OF 2014 1. CM3 [Reg 4 (1)] EASTERN CAPE LIQUOR ACT, 2003 (Act No, 10 of 2003) NOTICE OF LODGEMENT OF APPLICATIONS FOR REGISTRATION Notice is hereby given that the applications for registration, particulars of which appear in the Schedule hereunder, have been lodged with the Board. Interested parties may, free of charge, inspect any application which appears in the Schedule hereunder and may within twenty one days of this notice, lodge with the Board written representations in support of, or written objections. NONTSIKELELO NOKELE EASTERN CAPE LIQUOR BOARD 23 January 2014 SCHEDULE 1 2 3 4 5 Application Number Name and number of Kind of registration applied Kind of liquor Name under which business is to be Ward for to be sold conducted and particulars of the erf, street or farm Ward 1,Sundays River All kinds Sweet Mamma, 383 Chris Hani Street, ECP 22401 Valley Municipality Consumption on premises Moses Mabida, Kirkwood, 6120 2 Ward 33, Nelson Mandela Consumption on and off All Kinds Ebumnandini Tavern, 21586 Boesak Street, ECP 22402 Metroplitan Municipality premises Govan Mbeki, Port Elizabeth, 6001 3 Ward 31, Nelson Mandela All Kinds Infinity, 13 Avenue A, New Brighton, Port ECP 22403 Bay Consumption on premises Elizabeth, 6001 4 Ward15, Nelson Mandela Consumption on and off All Kinds Jikela Tavern, 13 Avenue A, New Brighton, ECP 22404 Metropolitan premises Port Elizabeth, 6000 5 Ward 33, Nelson Mandela Consumption on and off All Kinds Stasie Ses, Erf 629, 60 Tier Street, Patensie, ECP 22406 Metropplitan Municipality premises 6335 6 Ward 4, Elundini Local Consumption on and off All kinds Endaweni Sports Bar & Grill, 29 Van ECP 22407 Municipality premises Riebeeck Street, Maclear, 5480 7 All Kinds Survive the Race, Main Road,Gonubie, East ECP 22408 Ward Special Event London, 5206 8 Ward 4, Gariep Consumption on and off All Kinds Thembi's Tavern, 2004 Eikelaan Street, ECP 22409 Municipality premises Eureka, Burgersdorp, 9786 9 Ward 8, Makana Local All Kinds ECP 22410 Municipality Consumption on premises 36 Somerset Street, Grahamstown, 6139 10 All Kinds Eastern Cape Softball Federation, Erf Ward 47, Buffalo City 11578, Glen Eagle Road, Bunkers Hill, East ECP 22411 Local 7Municipality Consumption on premises London, 5201 11 Ward 18, Buffalo City All Kinds Legends Showcase, Erf 73307, 42 Pearce ECP 22412 Municipality Consumption on premises Street, Berea, East London, 5241
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