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General Notice No. 84 of 2014
Eastern Cape Liquor Act (10/2003) » Notice of lodgement of applications for registration
Eastern Cape Liquor Act (10/2003) » Notice of lodgement of applications for registration
Provincial Gazettes (Eastern Cape)
, No.
of 28 March, 2014, 1 page(s), 89.3Kb
PROVINCIAL GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY, 28 MARCH 2014 No. 3153 3 GENERAL NOTICES NOTICE 84 OF 2014 1. CM3 [Reg 4 (1)] EASTERN CAPE LIQUOR ACT, 2003 (Act No. 10 of 2003) NOTICE OF LODGEMENT OF APPLICATIONS FOR REGISTRATION Notice is hereby given that the applications for registration, particulars of which appear in the Schedule hereunder, have been lodged with the Board. Interested parties may, free of charge, inspect any application which appears in the Schedule hereunder and may within twenty one days of this notice, lodge with the Board written representations in support of, or written objections. NOMBUYISELO FININI EASTERN CAPE LIQUOR BOARD 27 March 2014 SCHEDULE _ 1 2 3 4 5 Application Name and number of Kind of registration Kind of Name under which business is to be Number Ward applied for liquor to be conducted and particulars of the erf, sold street or farm 1. Ward 47 Buffalo City All kinds Metropolitan Consumption on and off Chunky Charlie's, 2 Fleet Street, East ECP 22567 Municipality premises London, 5200 2. Ward 48 Buffalo City All kinds Metropolitan Consumption on and off Fleet Street Liquor Store, 56 A Fleet ECP 22568 Municipality premises Street, Quigney, 5211 3. All kinds Thobo's Tavern, 12 Qwazi Street, Ward 24 Nelson Consumption on and off Soweto - On - Sea, Port Ellizabeth, ECP 22569 Mandela Bay Metro premises 6000 4. Ward 17 Nelson Consumption on and off All kinds Se lin's Place, 67 Xesi Street, New ECP 22570 Mandela Bay Metro premises Brighton, Port Elizabeth, 6200 5. Ward 21 Nelson Consumption on and off All kinds Gibba's Tavern, 2347 Stofile Street, ECP 22571 Mandela Bay Metro premises Kwa Zakhele, Port Elizabeth, 6000 6. Ward 12 Intsika Yethu Consumption on and off All kinds Kulungile's Tavern, Ngqwaru Admin ECP 22572 Local Municipality premises Area, Cofimvaba, 5380 7. Ward 1 Lukhanji Local All kinds Bayana's Bottle Store, Tylden, ECP 22573 Municipality Consumption off premises Queenstown, 5320 8. All kinds Midway Motorcycle Club (MCC), Ndlambe Local Willows Caravan Park, Southwell Road, ECP 22574 Municipality Special Event Port Alfred, 6170 9. Ward 5 Makana Local Consumption on and off All kinds Big House, 1 Ngcuka Street, Extension ECP 22575 Municipality premises 9, Grahamstown, 6139 10. Ward 22 Buffalo City All kinds Metropolitan Consumption on and off Brother's, 1135 Zone 14, Mdantsane, ECP 22576 Municipality premises 5219 11. Ward 60 Nelson Consumption on and off All kinds Masina's Tavern, 39 Council Street, ECP 22577 Mandela Bay Metro premises Wells Estate, Port Elizabeth, 6211 12. All kinds Glengariff Lodge, Remainder 10 of Ward 1 Great Kei Local Consumption on and off Farm 723, 2 Beach Road, East London, ECP 22578 Municipality premises 5200 13. Ward 30 Buffalo City All kinds Metropolitan Consumption on and off Bu lie's Tavern, 1224 N.U.10, ECP 22579 Municipality premises Mdantsane, 5219
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