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Provincial Notice No. 214 of 2019
Gauteng Gambling Act, 1995 » Applications for a Gaming Machine Licences
Gauteng Gambling Act, 1995 » Applications for a Gaming Machine Licences
Provincial Gazettes (Gauteng)
, No.
of 27 February, 2019, 6 page(s), 73.1Kb
PROVINSIALE KOERANT, BUITENGEWOON, 27 FEBRUARIE 2019 No. 58 3 PROVINCIAL NOTICE 214 OF 2019 Gauteng GAMBLING ACT, 1995 APPLICATIONS FOR A GAMING MACHINE LICENCES Notice is hereby given that: ? David Makepisi Sibeko, trading as Palazola Tavern, situated at Erf No. 2838, Blesbok Street, Ratanda, in the district of Heidelberg. intend submitting applications to the Gauteng Gambling Board for gaming machine licences (Site Operators Licences) to operate Limited Payout Machines at the above-mentioned site. The above applications will be open for public inspection at the offices of the board from the 13 March 2019. Attention is directed to the provisions of Section 20 of the Gauteng Gambling Act, 1995, which makes provision for the lodging of written representations in respect of the application. Written representations should be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer, Gauteng Gambling Board, Private Bag X15, Bramley, 2018, within one month from 13 March 2019. Such representations shall contain at least the following: (a) the name of the applicant to which representations relate; (b) the ground or grounds on which representations are made; (c) The name, address, telephone and fax number of the person submitting the representations; (d) Whether the person submitting the representations requests the board to determine that such person’s identity may not be divulged and the grounds for such request; and (e) Whether or not they wish to make oral representations at the hearing of the application. APPLICATIONS FOR AMENDMENT OF ADDITIONAL GAMING MACHINE (TYPE B SITE) LICENSES Notice is hereby given that: • Iris Mantemedi Mnisi, trading as Hiding Place, situated at Portion 75R, Farm 303 JR, Hartbees Hoek, Orchards, Wonderboom, in the district of Pretoria, intends submitting an application to the Gauteng Gambling Board in terms of section 34 of the Gauteng Gambling Act to amend its additional gaming machine license (Type “B” Site Operators Licence) to increase the number of limited payout machines from ten (10) to fifteen (20). The above applications will be open for public inspection at the offices of the board from the 13 March 2019. Attention is directed to the provisions of Section 20 of the Gauteng Gambling Act, 1995, which makes provision for the lodging of written representations in respect of the application. Written representations should be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer, Gauteng Gambling Board, Private Bag X15, Bramley, 2018, within one month from 13 March 2019. Such representations shall contain at least the following: (a) the name of the applicant to which representations relate; (b) the ground or grounds on which representations are made; (c) The name, address, telephone and fax number of the person submitting the representations; (d) Whether the person submitting the representations requests the board to determine that such person’s identity may not be divulged and the grounds for such request; and (e) Whether or not they wish to make oral representations at the hearing of the application.
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