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Provincial Notice No. 94 of 2017
Land use Planning Ordinance (15/1985) » Erf 1324, Vryburg
Land use Planning Ordinance (15/1985) » Erf 1324, Vryburg
Provincial Gazettes (North West)
, No.
of 30 May, 2017, 1 page(s), 126Kb
PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 MEI 2017 No. 7767 17 PROVINCIAL NOTICE 94 OF 2017 NALEDI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE NALEDI TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2004 IN TERMS OF SECTION 17 OF THE LAND USE PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1985 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1985) AMENDMENT SCHEME NO. 05/2017 We, Smit and Fisher Planning (Pty) Ltd, being the authorized agent of the owner of Erf 1324, Vryburg hereby give notice in terms of Section 17 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985), that we have applied to the Naledi Local Municipality for the amendment of the Naledi Town Planning Scheme, 2004 by the rezoning in terms of Section 17 of the of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985), of the above-mentioned property. The property is situated at the corner of School Street and Jacaranda Street, Vryburg. The rezoning is from “Institutional 1” to “Business 1” with special consent for a transmission tower, to allow for the erection of a telecommunication tower and base station on part of the property. Any objection(s) and/or comment(s), including the grounds for such objection(s) and/or comment(s) with full contact details, without which the Municipality cannot correspond with the person or body submitting the objection(s) and/or comment(s), shall be lodged with, or made in writing to the: The Acting Municipal Manager, Naledi Local Municipality, P. O. Box 35, Vryburg, 8600 from; 30 May 2017 (the first date of the publication of the notice), until 27 June 2017 (not less than 28 days after the date of first publication of the notice). Full particulars of the application may be inspected during normal office hours at the office of the Town Planner, Naledi Local Municipality, Technical Services: Town Planning, 19A Market Street, Vryburg, 8600, for a period of 28 days from the date of first publication of the notice in the Provincial Gazette and Stellalander newspaper. NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE APPLICANT: Smit and Fisher Planning (Pty) Ltd 371 Melk Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, 0181 P. O. Box 908, Groenkloof, 0027 Telephone: (012) 346 2340 Fax: (012) 346 0638 E-mail: Date on which notice will be published: 30 May 2017 Closing date for any objections and/or comments: 27 June 2017 Our reference: Colinda Primary
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