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General Notice No. 217 of 2015
Mpumalanga Gaming Act (5/1995) as amended » Application for site operator license
Mpumalanga Gaming Act (5/1995) as amended » Application for site operator license
Provincial Gazettes (Mpumalanga)
, No.
of 05 June, 2015, 1 page(s), 278Kb
PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 5 JUNIE 2015 No. 2475 21 NOTICE 216 OF 2015 Mpumalanga GAMING ACT, 1995 (ACT 5 OF 1995) AS AMENDED APPLICATION FOR A SITE OPERATOR LICENSE Notice is hereby given that Zelda Kruger Identity Number 8208230015084 trading as Coalers Restaurant intends submitting an application for a site operator license to the Mpumalanga Gambling Board on 12 June 2015. The application will be open for public inspection at the office of the Mpumalanga Gambling Board at First Avenue, White River, South Africa, 1240, from 12 June 2015. 1. The purpose of the application is to obtain a license to operate and keep limited payout machines on the site premises, in the Province of Mpumalanga. 2. The applicant's site premises (business) is located at: 69 Voortrekker Street, Erf 6, Carolina, Mpumalanga Province. 3. The owners and /or managers of the site are as follows: Ms Z Kruger. Attention is directed to the provisions of Section 26 of the Mpumalanga Gaming Act, 1995 (Act No.5 of 1995) as amended, which makes provision for the lodging of written objections in respect of the application. Such objections should be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer, Mpumalanga Gambling Board, First Avenue, Private Bag X9908, White River, South Africa, 1240, within 30 days from 12 June 2015. NOTICE 217 OF 2015 Mpumalanga GAMING ACT, 1995 (ACT 5 OF 1995) AS AMENDED APPLICATION FOR A SITE OPERATOR LICENSE Notice is hereby given that Mashishing Liquors CC Registration Number 2007/199153/23 trading as Mashishing Bar Lounge intends submitting an application for a site operator license to the Mpumalanga Gambling Board on 12 June 2015. The application will be open for public inspection at the office of the Mpumalanga Gambling Board at First Avenue, White River, South Africa, 1240, from 12 June 2015. 1. The purpose of the application is to obtain a license to operate and keep limited payout machines on the site premises, in the Province of Mpumalanga. 2. The applicant's site premises (business) is located at: 1133 Blio Street, Mashishing, Mpumalanga Province. 3. The owners and /or managers of the site are as follows: Mr. Frans M Mkhabela; Mr. Fele W Malope; Ms Selina J Ndlozi and Ms Emmarencia K Mokwena. Attention is directed to the provisions of Section 26 of the Mpumalanga Gaming Act, 1995 (Act No.5 of 1995) as amended, which makes provision for the lodging of written objections in respect of the application. Such objections should be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer, Mpumalanga Gambling Board, First Avenue, Private Bag X9908, White River, South Africa, 1240, within 30 days from 12 June 2015.
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