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General Notice No. 1021 of 2021
ProviNSiale KoeraNt, bUiteNGewooN 2 September 2021 No
ProviNSiale KoeraNt, bUiteNGewooN 2 September 2021 No
Provincial Gazettes (Gauteng)
, No.
of 02 September, 2021, 2 page(s), 46.3Kb
proviNSiale KoeraNt, bUiteNGewooN 2 September 2021 No. 296 3 GENERAL NOTICE 1021 OF 2021 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWNSHIP IN TERMS OF SECTION 38 OF THE CITY OF EKURHULENI METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY SPATIAL PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT ACT (SPLUMA) BY-LAWS OF 2019 BONAERO PARK EXTENSION 23 TOWNSHIP I Marzia-Angela Jonker, being the Applicant hereby give notice in terms of Section 10 of the City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (SPLUMA) By- Laws of 2019, that I have applied to the City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (Kempton Park Customer Care Centre) for the establishment of the Township, referred to in the Annexure hereto. Objections and/or comments including the grounds for such objections and/or comments, with full contact details, without which the Municipality cannot correspond with the person or body submitting the objections and/comments, shall be lodged with, or made in writing to the City Planning Department - Kempton Park Customer Care Centre from 26 August 2021 until 23 September 2021 (that being not less than 28 days after the first publication of the said notice) in terms of Section 10 of the By-Law referred to above. Full particulars and/or relevant documents relating to the application will be open for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Area Manager: City Planning Department, Kempton Park Customer Care Centre, Third Floor, Civic Centre, Trichardt Road, Kempton Park, for a period of 28 days from 26 August 2021. Any person who wishes to object to the application, or submit representations in respect thereof, must lodge the same in writing with the said authorised local authority at the above address or P. O. Box 215, Kempton Park, 1460, on or before 23 September 2021. Name and address of Applicant: c/o MZ Town Planning & Property Services, P. O. Box 16829, dATLASVILLE, 1465 – or at No. 26 Simon Street, Rynfield, Benoni (with prior appointment) Tel (011) 849 0425 – Email: Dates on which notice will be published: 26 August 2021 and 2 September 2021. ANNEXURE Name of Township: Bonaero Park Extension 23 Township. Full Name of Applicant: MZ Town Planning & Property Services. Number of Erven: 2 Erven. Proposed Zoning: “Residential 3” for a maximum of 106 dwelling units. Development Controls: Coverage: 50% - Density: 85 Units per Hectare – Height: 4 Storeys. The intention of the applicant in this matter is to develop an Access Controlled Residential Complex comprising of 106 Dwelling Units. The property on which the said Township is being established is Holding 23 Caro Nome Agricultural Holdings, which property is located adjacent to and to the east of Atlas Road and adjacent to and west of Savannah Road.
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