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General Notice No. 56 of 2022
ProviNsiale KoeraNt, BuiteNGeWooN 9 Mei 2022 No
ProviNsiale KoeraNt, BuiteNGeWooN 9 Mei 2022 No
Provincial Gazettes (Eastern Cape)
, No.
of 09 May, 2022, 6 page(s), 73.2Kb
ProviNsiale KoeraNt, BuiteNGeWooN 9 Mei 2022 No. 4733 3 GENERAL NOTICE 56 OF 2022 ELECTORAL COMMISSION ELECTION TIMETABLE The Electoral Commission hereby gives notice that it has in terms of section 11 of the Local Government: Municipal Electoral Act, 2000, compiled the election timetable set out below to apply to the municipal by-elections to be held on 15 June 2022 in respect of Ward 03 of Mnquma [EC122] Local Municipality, as proclaimed by Provincial Notice number 287 of 2022, as published in the Provincial Gazette Extraordinary No. 4732 of the Eastern Cape Province, dated 06 May 2022. A reference to “section” in this election timetable is a reference to that section in the Local Government: Municipal Electoral Act, 2000 (Act No. 27 of 2000). Cut-off time for act to be performed 1 An act required in terms of this Act to be performed by not later than a date in the election timetable must be performed before 17:00 on that date, unless otherwise specified. Certification of the voters’ roll 2 By 23 May 2022 chief electoral officer must certify the segments of the voters’ roll for the voting districts to be used in the by-elections in terms of section 6(2)(a). Notice that lists of addresses of voting stations are available for inspection 3 By 27 May 2022 the chief electoral officer must give notice that copies of a list of voting stations and their addresses will be available for inspection at the office of the Commission’s local representative in terms of section 19(5). Notice of route of mobile voting stations 4 If the Commission decides to use mobile voting stations in the by-elections, the Commission must by 27 May 2022 give notice of the route, including the locations and estimated times of stopping of each mobile voting station in terms of section 22(1). Pre-inspection and submission of objections to segments of the voters’ roll 5 The Chief Electoral Officer must make available segments of the voters’ roll for pre- inspection and objections to the Commission. The period for pre-inspection and submission of objections to the Commission will be from 09 May 2022 to 16 May 2022.
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