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General Notice No. 1592 of 2014
Rationalisation of Local Government Affairs Act (10/1998)
Rationalisation of Local Government Affairs Act (10/1998)
Provincial Gazettes (Gauteng)
, No.
of 11 June, 2014, 1 page(s), 21.3Kb
PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 11 JUNIE 2014 No. 139 85 1. Van Riebeeck Park Estates Home Owners Association (Restriction of access to Van Riebeeck Park Extensions 5, 9 and 19 being De Villiers Avenue, Japonica Avenue, Libra Street, Scorpio Street, Capricorn Street, Cancer Street, Gemini Street, Aries Street, Hydro Avenue, Prima Crescent, Wylan Crescent. The resolution of Council indicating the terms and conditions under which the application made by the above-mentioned Residents/Home Owners Association has been granted, are open for inspection during normal office hours at Room B301, Department Real Estate, Civic Centre, corner of C R Swart Drive and Pretoria Road, Kempton Park. The restriction of access to the aforementioned public place shall be for a period of 2 years, from the date of this publication. Head of Department: Real Estate, Civic Centre, corner C R Swart and Pretoria Road, (P.O. Box 13), Kempton Park. Notice: 8-2014. Date: 11 June 2014. [Ref: 17/9/1/7/10(Y)]. NOTICE 1592 OF 2014 EKURHULENI METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY KEMPTON PARK CUSTOMER CARE AREA RESTRICTION OF ACCESS TO PUBLIC PLACES FOR SAFETY AND SECURITY PURPOSES In terms of Section 43 (b) of the Rationalisation of Local Government Affairs Act, 1998 (Act No. 10 of 1998) the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, hereby authorise the undermentioned Residents/Home Owners Association to restrict access to the undermentioned public place for safety and security purposes: 1. Van Riebeeck Park Estates Home Owners Association (Restriction of access to Van Riebeeck Park Extensions 5, 9 and 19 being De Villiers Avenue, Japonica Avenue, Libra Street, Scorpio Street, Capricorn Street, Cancer Street, Gemini Street, Aries Street, Hydro Avenue, Prima Crescent, Wylan Crescent. The resolution of Council indicating the terms and conditions under which the application made by the above-mentioned Residents/Home Owners Association has been granted, are open for inspection during normal office hours at Room B301, Department Real Estate, Civic Centre, corner of C R Swart Drive and Pretoria Road, Kempton Park. The restriction of access to the aforementioned public place shall be for a period of 2 years, from the date of this publication. Head of Department: Real Estate, Civic Centre, corner C R Swart and Pretoria Road, (P.O. Box 13), Kempton Park. Notice: 8-2014. Date: 11 June 2014. [Ref: 17/9/1/7/10(Y)]. NOTICE 1593 OF 2014 GAUTENG GAMBLING ACT, 1995 APPLICATION FOR THE AMENDMENT OF A GAMING MACHINE (SITE) LICENCE Notice is hereby given that Hollywood Sportsbook Gauteng (Pty) Ltd, intends submitting applications to the Gauteng Gambling Board for the change of Route Operator from Egoli Gaming (Pty) Ltd t/a Goldrush Gaming to Grand Gaming Gauteng (Pty) Ltd trading as Grand Gaming Slots for the following sites:- • Hollywood Sportsbook Gauteng (Pty) Ltd t/a Hollywood Daxina (Lenasia South) at Unit 7 Denica Centre, Starling Street, Lenasia South; • Hollywood Sportsbook Gauteng (Pty) Ltd t/a Hollywood Pretoria at Shops 1 and 2, Schoepaul, 294 Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria. This application will be open for public inspection at the offices of the Board from 18 June 2014. Attention is directed to the provisions of Section 20 of the Gauteng Gambling Act, 1995, which makes provision for the lodging of written representations in respect of the application. Such representations should be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer: Gauteng Gambling Board, Private Bag 15, Bramley, 2018, within one month from 18 June 2014. Any person submitting representations should state in such representation whether or not they wish to mark oral representations at the hearing of the application. NOTICE 1479 OF 2014 HALFWAY HOUSE AND CLAYVILLE AMENDMENT SCHEME I, Robert Bremmer Fowler, being the authorized agent of the registered owners of Portion 686, of the farm Waterval 5-IR, give notice in terms of section 56 (1) (b) (i) of the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986, that I have applied to the City of Johannesburg, for the amendment of the Town-planning Scheme, known as Halfway House and Clayville Town-planning Scheme, 1976, by the rezoning of the property described above, located within the Waterval Equestrian Estate from “Agricultural” to “Agricultural” with an increased height form the existing 2 storeys to 3 storeys.
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