Provincial Notice No. 145 of 2018

Removal of Restrictions Act (84/1967) » Removal of Restrictions of Erven 7855, Mmabatho Unit 6, 2729 Mafikeng...
Title Removal of Restrictions Act (84/1967) » Removal of Restrictions of Erven 7855, Mmabatho Unit 6, 2729 Mafikeng Extension 28, 502 Mafikeng Extension 5, 832 Mafikeng Extension 8, Remainder of Erf 361, Mafikeng, 3687 and 3688, Mafikeng, 761 Mafikeng Extension 8, 534 and 2987 Mafikeng, Remainder Erf 635, Mafikeng Extension 7, 4211 Mmabatho Unit 11, 7532 Mmabatho Unit 15, 3521 Mafikeng Extension 34 and 3698 (a portion of Erf 3686), Mafikeng
Gazette Provincial Gazettes (North West), No. 7910 of 24 July, 2018, 1 page(s), 116Kb
