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General Notice No. 191 of 2015
Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruik Wet (16/2013) » Erf 39, Greenbushes (Kaapweg)
Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruik Wet (16/2013) » Erf 39, Greenbushes (Kaapweg)
Provincial Gazettes (Eastern Cape)
, No.
of 30 November, 2015, 1 page(s), 94.9Kb
6 No. 3559 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 NOVEMBER 2015 NOTICE 191 OF 2015 /2013): Erf 39, Greenbushes (Cape Road) 3559 NELSON MANDELA BAY MUNICIPALITY NELSON MANDELA BAY MUNICIPALITY REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE SPATIAL PLANNING AND REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE SPATIAL PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT ACT, 2013 (ACT 16 OF 2013) LAND USE MANAGEMENT ACT, 2013 (ACT 16 OF 2013) ERF 39, GREENBUSHES (CAPE ROAD) (CF56/00039) (SN) (Ref. 228) ERF 39, GREENBUSHES (CAPE ROAD) (CF56/00039) (SN) (Ref. 228) Notice is given in terms of Section 47 of the above Act that the undermentioned application has Notice is given in terms of Section 47 of the above Act that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the offices of the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality, been received and is open to inspection at the offices of the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality, second floor, Lillian Diedericks building, Govan Mbeki Avenue, Port Elizabeth. Any objections, with second floor, Lillian Diedericks building, Govan Mbeki Avenue, Port Elizabeth. Any objections, with full reasons therefor, should be lodged in writing with the Municipal Manager, P 0 Box 116, Port full reasons therefor, should be lodged in writing with the Municipal Manager, P 0 Box 116, Port Elizabeth 6000 within 30 days of the appearance of this notice in the Provincial Gazette Elizabeth 6000 within 30 days of the appearance of this notice in the Provincial Gazette (Eastern Cape Gazette}, quoting the above act and the objector's erf number. (Eastern Cape Gazette}, quoting the above act and the objector's erf number. Applicant: Advice and Services (Pty) Ltd Applicant: Advice and Services (Pty) Ltd Nature of application: Removal of title conditions applicable to Erf 39, Greenbushes, to permit the Nature of application: Removal of title conditions applicable to Erf 39, Greenbushes, to permit the property to be rezoned from Business 2 to Special purposes. property to be rezoned from Business 2 to Special purposes. KENNISGEWING 191 VAN 2015 /2013): Erf 39, Greenbushes (Kaapweg) 3559 NELSON MANDELABAAI MUNISIPALITEIT NELSON MANDELABAAI MUNISIPALITEIT AANSOEK OM OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS INGEVOLGE DIE WET OP RUIMTELIKE AANSOEK OM OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS INGEVOLGE DIE WET OP RUIMTELIKE BEPLANNING EN GRONDGEBRUIKBESTUUR, 2013 (WET 16 VAN 2013) BEPLANNING EN GRONDGEBRUIKBESTUUR, 2013 (WET 16 VAN 2013) ERF 39, GREENBUSHES) (KAAPWEG) (CF56/00039) (SN) (Verw. 228) ERF 39, GREENBUSHES) (KAAPWEG) (CF56/00039) (SN) (Verw. 228) Kennis word kragtens Artikel 47 van bogenoemde Wet gegee dat onderstaande aansoek ontvang Kennis word kragtens Artikel 47 van bogenoemde Wet gegee dat onderstaande aansoek ontvang is en ter insae le by die kantore van die Nelson Mandelabaai Munisipaliteit, tweede verdieping, is en ter insae le by die kantore van die Nelson Mandelabaai Munisipaliteit, tweede verdieping, Lillian Diedericks�gebou, Govan Mbekilaan, Port Elizabeth. Enige besware, volledig gemotiveer, Lillian Diedericks�gebou, Govan Mbekilaan, Port Elizabeth. Enige besware, volledig gemotiveer, moet binne 30 dae van die verskyning van hierdie Kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant moet binne 30 dae van die verskyning van hierdie Kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant (Oos-Kaap) skriftelik by die Stadsbestuurder, Posbus 116, Port Elizabeth 6000 ingedien word, met (Oos-Kaap) skriftelik by die Stadsbestuurder, Posbus 116, Port Elizabeth 6000 ingedien word, met vermelding van bogenoemde wet en die beswaarmaker se erfnommer. vermelding van bogenoemde wet en die beswaarmaker se erfnommer. Aansoeker: Engineering Advice and Services Edms Bpk Aansoeker: Engineering Advice and Services Edms Bpk Aard van aansoek: Die opheffing van die titelvoorwaardes van toepassing op Erf 39, Greenbushes Aard van aansoek: Die opheffing van die titelvoorwaardes van toepassing op Erf 39, Greenbushes ten einde die eiendom van Besigheidsdoeleindes 2 tot Spesiale doeleindes te hersoneer. ten einde die eiendom van Besigheidsdoeleindes 2 tot Spesiale doeleindes te hersoneer. MPILO SAKILE MBAMBISA MPILO SAKILE MBAMBISA STADSBESTUURDER STADSBESTUURDER
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