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Provincial Notice No. 365 of 2022
Spatial Planning and land use Management act (16/2013) » erf 157, orkney township
Spatial Planning and land use Management act (16/2013) » erf 157, orkney township
Provincial Gazettes (North West)
, No.
of 30 August, 2022, 1 page(s), 80.2Kb
12 No. 8407 ProviNcial Gazette, 30 auGust 2022 PROVINCIAL NOTICE 365 OF 2022 Notice for application for rezoning: ERF 157 Orkney Township from “Residential 1” to “Residential 2” for purposes Notice for application for rezoning: ERF 157 Orkney Township from “Residential 1” to “Residential 2” for purposes of dwelling units and simultaneous removal or amendment or suspension of restrictive title conditions A (c), A (f), A (h)(i-iii), A(c) and A(d) in Tile Deed T79972/2019; (Amendment Scheme 1394) I Shego Magagane ID of dwelling units and simultaneous removal or amendment or suspension of restrictive title conditions A (c), A (f), A (h)(i-iii), A(c) and A(d) in Tile Deed T79972/2019; (Amendment Scheme 1394) I Shego Magagane ID (9505045219085) of the firm MAGAGANE DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS being the authorized agent of the Owner (9505045219085) of the firm MAGAGANE DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS being the authorized agent of the Owner of ERF 157 Orkney Township, North West hereby give notice in terms of Section 41(1) a, (b) and 41(2)(d), (e) of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013 read with Sections 56(1)(b)(ii) of the Transvaal Town of ERF 157 Orkney Township, North West hereby give notice in terms of Section 41(1) a, (b) and 41(2)(d), (e) of the Planning and Township Ordinance, 1986 and/or such other legislation, policy or by law that may be change in land Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013 read with Sections 56(1)(b)(ii) of the Transvaal Town Planning and Township Ordinance, 1986 and/or such other legislation, policy or by law that may be change in land use right (also referred to as amendment of land use scheme / rezoning) from “Residential 1” to “Residential 2” for purposes of 7 dwelling units and simultaneous removal or amendment or suspension of restrictive title A (c), A(f), use right (also referred to as amendment of land use scheme / rezoning) from “Residential 1” to “Residential 2” for purposes of 7 dwelling units and simultaneous removal or amendment or suspension of restrictive title A (c), A(f), A(h)(i-iii), A(c) and A(d) in Tile Deed T79972/2018; (Amendment Scheme 1394). Any objection or comments including the grounds regarding thereto and contacts details must be lodged within a period of 30 days from the date of first A(h)(i-iii), A(c) and A(d) in Tile Deed T79972/2018; (Amendment Scheme 1394). Any objection or comments including publication of the notice in the Provincial Gazette, and newspapers in writing to the City of Matlosana Local the grounds regarding thereto and contacts details must be lodged within a period of 30 days from the date of first publication of the notice in the Provincial Gazette, and newspapers in writing to the City of Matlosana Local Municipality, Office of Municipal Manager, Record Section, Basement Municipal Building, Bram Fischer Street Klerksdorp or to P.O Box 99, Klerksdorp 2570. Any person who cannot write may during office hours attend at the Municipality, Office of Municipal Manager, Record Section, Basement Municipal Building, Bram Fischer Street Klerksdorp or to P.O Box 99, Klerksdorp 2570. Any person who cannot write may during office hours attend at the address mentioned above where the official of the Town Planning Section gladly help such a person to transcribe address mentioned above where the official of the Town Planning Section gladly help such a person to transcribe objections or comments of such a person. ADDRESS OF THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: MAGAGANE DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS Unit 6 San Martin HEUWELSIG ESTATE, Centurion NAME: Marcus Magagane Contact: 0790411191 objections or comments of such a person. ADDRESS OF THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: MAGAGANE DEVELOPMENT EMAIL: ShegoMagagane@Live.Com CONSULTANTS Unit 6 San Martin HEUWELSIG ESTATE, Centurion NAME: Marcus Magagane Contact: 0790411191 EMAIL: ShegoMagagane@Live.Com 30-06 30-06 PROVINSIALE KENNISGEWING 365 VAN 2022 Kennisgewing vir aansoek om hersonering: ERF 157 Orkney Township van “Residensieel 1” na “Residensieel 2” vir doeleindes van wooneenhede en gelyktydige verwydering of wysiging of opskorting van beperkende Kennisgewing vir aansoek om hersonering: ERF 157 Orkney Township van “Residensieel 1” na “Residensieel 2” vir doeleindes van wooneenhede en gelyktydige verwydering of wysiging of opskorting van beperkende titelvoorwaardes A (c), A (f), A (h) (i-iii), A(c) en A(d) in Teëlakte T79972/2019; (Wysigingskema 1394) I Shego Magagane ID (9505045219085) van die firma MAGAGANE DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS synde die gemagtigde titelvoorwaardes A (c), A (f), A (h) (i-iii), A(c) en A(d) in Teëlakte T79972/2019; (Wysigingskema 1394) I Shego agent van die Eienaar van ERF 157 Orkney Township, Noordwes gee hiermee kennis ingevolge Artikel 41(1) a, (b) Magagane ID (9505045219085) van die firma MAGAGANE DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS synde die gemagtigde agent van die Eienaar van ERF 157 Orkney Township, Noordwes gee hiermee kennis ingevolge Artikel 41(1) a, (b) en 41(2)( d), (e) van die Wet op Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur 16 van 2013 saamgelees met Artikels en 41(2)( d), (e) van die Wet op Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur 16 van 2013 saamgelees met Artikels 56(1)(b)(ii) van die Transvaalse Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 en/of sodanige ander wetgewing, 56(1)(b)(ii) van die Transvaalse Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 en/of sodanige ander wetgewing, beleid of deur wet wat verandering in grondgebruiksreg (ook na verwys as wysiging van grondgebruikskema / hersonering) van “Residensieel 1” na “Residensieel 2” kan wees vir doeleindes van 7 wooneenhede en gelyktydige / beleid of deur wet wat verandering in grondgebruiksreg (ook na verwys as wysiging van grondgebruikskema verwydering of wysiging of opskorting van beperkende titel A (c), A(f), A(h)(i-iii), A(c) en A(d) in Teëlakte hersonering) van “Residensieel 1” na “Residensieel 2” kan wees vir doeleindes van 7 wooneenhede en gelyktydige verwydering of wysiging of opskorting van beperkende titel A (c), A(f), A(h)(i-iii), A(c) en A(d) in Teëlakte T79972/2018; (Wysigingskema 1394) Enige beswaar of kommentaar, insluitend die gronde daarvoor en T79972/2018; (Wysigingskema 1394) Enige beswaar of kommentaar, insluitend die gronde daarvoor en kontakbesonderhede, moet binne 'n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die datum van eerste publikasie van die kennisgewing kontakbesonderhede, moet binne 'n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die datum van eerste publikasie van die kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant en koerante skriftelik by die Stad Matlosana Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, Kantoor van in die Provinsiale Koerant en koerante skriftelik by die Stad Matlosana Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, Kantoor van Munisipale, ingedien word. Bestuurder, Rekordafdeling, Kelder Munisipale Gebou, Bram Fischerstraat Klerksdorp of Munisipale, ingedien word. Bestuurder, Rekordafdeling, Kelder Munisipale Gebou, Bram Fischerstraat Klerksdorp of na Posbus 99, Klerksdorp 2570. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie, kan gedurende kantoorure die bogenoemde adres bywoon waar die amptenaar van die Stadsbeplanningsafdeling so 'n persoon graag help om besware of na Posbus 99, Klerksdorp 2570. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie, kan gedurende kantoorure die bogenoemde kommentaar van so 'n persoon te transkribeer. ADRES VAN DIE GEMAGTIGDE AGENT: MAGAGANE DEVELOPMENT adres bywoon waar die amptenaar van die Stadsbeplanningsafdeling so 'n persoon graag help om besware of CONSULTANTS Eenheid 6 San Martin HEUWELSIG LANDGOED, Centurion NAAM: Marcus Magagane Kontak: kommentaar van so 'n persoon te transkribeer. ADRES VAN DIE GEMAGTIGDE AGENT: MAGAGANE DEVELOPMENT 0790411191 E-pos: ShegoMagagane@Live.Com CONSULTANTS Eenheid 6 San Martin HEUWELSIG LANDGOED, Centurion NAAM: Marcus Magagane Kontak: 0790411191 E-pos: ShegoMagagane@Live.Com 30-6 30-6
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