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Provincial Notice No. 57 of 2021
Spatial Planning and land use Management act (16/2013) » erf 744, Flamwood X2 township
Spatial Planning and land use Management act (16/2013) » erf 744, Flamwood X2 township
Provincial Gazettes (North West)
, No.
of 11 May, 2021, 1 page(s), 71.6Kb
KENNISGEWING AAN AANLIGGENDE EIENAARS EN GEAFFEKTEERDE PARTYE RAKENDE ‘N GROND ONTWIKKELINGSAANSOEK NA DIE MATLOSANA PLAASLIKE MUNISIPALITEIT, VIR VERANDERING VAN DIE GRONDGEBRUIKSREGTE (OOK BEKEND AS ‘N HERSONERING), TEN OPSIGTE VAN ‘N GEDEELTE VAN ERF 744, FLAMWOOD X 2 DORPSGEBIED, REGISTRASIE AFDELING I.P., PROVINSIE NOORD-WES, GELEE TE FLAMWOODRYLAAN 34, KLERKSDORP (WYSIGINGSKEMA 1365 EN BYLAAG 1271). Ek, Alexander Edward van Breda, ID 620501 5073 08 2, synde die gemagtigde Agent van die Eienaar van Erf 744, Flamwood x 2 Dorpsgebied, Registrasie Afdeling I.P., Noord-Wes Provinsie (“die Eiendom”), gee hiermee ingevolge Artikels 41(1)(a) en 41(2)(d) van die Wet op Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur (“SPLUMA”), 2013 (Wet 16 van 2013), saamgelees met Artikels 62(1), 94(1)(a), 95(1), 96 en 97(1)(a) van die Stad van Matlosana Plaaslike Munisipalitiet se Ruimtelike Beplannings en Grondgebruikbestuurverordening, 2016 (“SPLUMA By-wet”), saam gelees met Artikels 56(1)(b)(i) en 56(1)(b)(ii) van die Transvaal Ordonansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonansie 15 van 1986), kennis dat ek by die Matlosana Plaaslike Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir die verandering van die grondgebruiksregte (“ook bekend as ‘n hersonering”) van ‘n Gedeelte van die Eiendom (“die Aansoek”). Die voorneme van die Aansoek soos omskryf in Bylaag 1271 tot die Skema behels die volgende; (A)Dat ‘n Gedeelte van die onderverdeelde Eiendom, 787 m² groot (toekomstig bekend as Gedeelte 1 van Erf 744, Flamwood x 2) hersoneer word vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Spesiaal” vir die doeleindes van ‘n residensiele stoorfasiliteit (insluitend argiewe, voertuie, meubels en huishoudelike produkte en alle vlambare en chemiese produkte en industriele masjienerie uitgesluit); (B)Geen beperkende titelvoorwaardes kom voor in Titelakte T30899/2017, nie; (C)Die volgende aangrensende eiendomme: Erwe Re/21, 47, 48 en 50, Flamwood Dorp; Erwe 740, 741, 744, 745 en 756, Flamwood x 1 Dorp asook eiendomme in die onmiddelike omgewing van die Eiendom kan moontlik hierdeur geraak word; (D)Die hersonering van die gedeelte sal aan die volgende ontwikkelings parameters voldoen: maksimum dekking van 50% en hoogte beperking van een (1) verdieping. Enige besware of kommentaar, met gronde daarvoor asook kontak besonderhede, moet skriftelik ingedien word binne n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die datum van eerste publikasie van die kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Gazette, Beeld en Citizen Nuusblad na die Stad van Matlosana Plaaslike Munisipaliteit: Kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Bram Fischerstraat, Burgersentrum, Rekords afdeling, Keldervloer, Klerksdorp, 2570 of Posbus 99, Klerksdorp, 2570. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie, kan tydens kantoorure bogenoemde addres besoek waartydens die beamptes van die stadsbeplannings afdeling daardie persoon behulpsaam sal wees ten einde hul besware of kommentare te transkribeer. Besonderhede van die Aansoek en planne (indien enige) is beskikbaar vir inspeksie en insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die bovermelde kantore, vir n tydperk van 30 dae van die datum van eerste publikasie van die kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Gazette, Beeld en Citizen Nuusblad. Sluitingsdatum vir enige besware: 10 Junie 2021. Adres van die Applikant: Mnr. A.E. van Breda, Posbus 3183, Freemanville, Klerksdorp, 2573, Telefoon nommer: 072 249 5400, waarop kennisgewings gepubliseer sal word: 11 en 18 Mei 2021. 11-18 ProviNSiale KoeraNt, 11 Mei 2021 No. 8215 17 PROVINCIAL NOTICE 57 OF 2021 NOTICE TO ADJACENT OWNERS AND AFFECTED PARTIES RELATING TO A LAND DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION TO THE MATLOSANA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, IN RESPECT OF A PORTION OF ERF 744, FLAMWOOD X 2 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION I.P., NORTH-WEST PROVINCE, SITUATED AT 34 FLAMWOOD DRIVE, KLERKSDORP (AMENDMENT SCHEME 1365 AND ANNEXURE 1271). I, Alexander Edward van Breda, ID 620501 5073 08 2, being the authorized Agent of the Owner of Erf 744, Flamwood x 2 Township, Registration Division I.P., North-West Province (“the Property”), hereby give notice in terms of Sections 41(1)(a) and 41(2)(d) of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (“SPLUMA”), 2013 (Act 16 of 2013), read with Sections 62(1), 94(1)(a), 95(1), 96 and 97(1)(a) of the City of Matlosana Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-law, 2016 (“SPLUMA By-law”), read with Sections 56(1)(b)(i) and 56(1)(b)(ii) of the Transvaal Town Planning and Township Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that I have applied to the City of Matlosana Local Municipality for the amendment of the Klerksdorp Land Use Management Scheme, 2005 (“the LUMS”), for a change of land use rights (“also known as rezoning”) of a Portion of the Property (“the Application”). The intention of the Application as defined in Annexure 1271 to the Scheme contains the following proposal: (A)That a Portion of the subdivided Property, 787 m² in extent (in future be known as Portion 1 of Erf 744, Flamwood x 2) be rezoned from “Residential 1” to “Special” for the purposes of a residential storage facility (including archives, vehicles, furniture, all residential household products and excluding all industrial machinery and hazardous or flamable chemical products); (B)No restrictive title conditions are present in Title Deed T30899/2017; (C)The following adjacent properties: Erven Re/21, 47, 48 and 50, Flamwood Township; Erven 740, 741, 743, 745 and 756, Flamwood x 2 Township as well as others in the vicinity of the Property could possibly be affected hereby; (D)The rezoning of the Portion of the Property will comply with the following development parameters: maximum coverage of 50% and height restriction of one (1) story. Any objection or comments including the grounds pertaining thereto and contact detail, must be lodged within a period of 30 days from the date of first publication of the notice in the Provincial Gazette, Beeld and Citizen Newspaper in writing during normal office hours to the City of Matlozana local Municipality: office of the Municipal Manager, Record section, Basement, Municipal Building, Bram Fischer Street, Klerksdorp or to P.O. Box 99, Klerksdorp, 2570. Any person who cannot write may during office hours attend at the address mentioned above where the officials of the town planning section will assist that person to transcribe that person’s objections or comments. Full particulars of the Application and plans (if any) may be inspected and viewed during normal office hours at the above-mentioned offices, for a period of 30 days from the date of first publication of the notice in the Provincial Gazette, Beeld and Citizen Newspaper. Closing date for any objections: 10 June 2021. Address of the Applicant: Mr. A.E. van Breda, P.O. Box 3183, Freemanville, Klerksdorp, 2573, Telephone number: 072 249 5400, Dates on which notice will be published: 11 and 18 May 2021. 11-18 PROVINSIALE KENNISGEWING 57 VAN 2021 KENNISGEWING AAN AANLIGGENDE EIENAARS EN GEAFFEKTEERDE PARTYE RAKENDE ‘N GROND ONTWIKKELINGSAANSOEK NA DIE MATLOSANA PLAASLIKE MUNISIPALITEIT, VIR VERANDERING VAN DIE GRONDGEBRUIKSREGTE (OOK BEKEND AS ‘N HERSONERING), TEN OPSIGTE VAN ‘N GEDEELTE VAN ERF 744, FLAMWOOD X 2 DORPSGEBIED, REGISTRASIE AFDELING I.P., PROVINSIE NOORD-WES, GELEE TE FLAMWOODRYLAAN 34, KLERKSDORP (WYSIGINGSKEMA 1365 EN BYLAAG 1271). Ek, Alexander Edward van Breda, ID 620501 5073 08 2, synde die gemagtigde Agent van die Eienaar van Erf 744, Flamwood x 2 Dorpsgebied, Registrasie Afdeling I.P., Noord-Wes Provinsie (“die Eiendom”), gee hiermee ingevolge Artikels 41(1)(a) en 41(2)(d) van die Wet op Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur (“SPLUMA”), 2013 (Wet 16 van 2013), saamgelees met Artikels 62(1), 94(1)(a), 95(1), 96 en 97(1)(a) van die Stad van Matlosana Plaaslike Munisipalitiet se Ruimtelike Beplannings en Grondgebruikbestuurverordening, 2016 (“SPLUMA By-wet”), saam gelees met Artikels 56(1)(b)(i) en 56(1)(b)(ii) van die Transvaal Ordonansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonansie 15 van 1986), kennis dat ek by die Matlosana Plaaslike Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir die verandering van die grondgebruiksregte (“ook bekend as ‘n hersonering”) van ‘n Gedeelte van die Eiendom (“die Aansoek”). Die voorneme van die Aansoek soos omskryf in Bylaag 1271 tot die Skema behels die volgende; (A)Dat ‘n Gedeelte van die onderverdeelde Eiendom, 787 m² groot (toekomstig bekend as Gedeelte 1 van Erf 744, Flamwood x 2) hersoneer word vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Spesiaal” vir die doeleindes van ‘n residensiele stoorfasiliteit (insluitend argiewe, voertuie, meubels en huishoudelike produkte en alle vlambare en chemiese produkte en industriele masjienerie uitgesluit); (B)Geen beperkende titelvoorwaardes kom voor in Titelakte T30899/2017, nie; (C)Die volgende aangrensende eiendomme: Erwe Re/21, 47, 48 en 50, Flamwood Dorp; Erwe 740, 741, 744, 745 en 756, Flamwood x 1 Dorp asook eiendomme in die onmiddelike omgewing van die Eiendom kan moontlik hierdeur geraak word; (D)Die hersonering van die gedeelte sal aan die volgende ontwikkelings parameters voldoen: maksimum dekking van 50% en hoogte beperking van een (1) verdieping. Enige besware of kommentaar, met gronde daarvoor asook kontak besonderhede, moet skriftelik ingedien word binne n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die datum van eerste publikasie van die kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Gazette, Beeld en Citizen Nuusblad na die Stad van Matlosana Plaaslike Munisipaliteit: Kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Bram Fischerstraat, Burgersentrum, Rekords afdeling, Keldervloer, Klerksdorp, 2570 of Posbus 99, Klerksdorp, 2570. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie, kan tydens kantoorure bogenoemde addres besoek waartydens die beamptes van die stadsbeplannings afdeling daardie persoon behulpsaam sal wees ten einde hul besware of kommentare te transkribeer. Besonderhede van die Aansoek en planne (indien enige) is beskikbaar vir inspeksie en insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die bovermelde kantore, vir n tydperk van 30 dae van die datum van eerste publikasie van die kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Gazette, Beeld en Citizen Nuusblad. Sluitingsdatum vir enige besware: 10 Junie 2021. Adres van die Applikant: Mnr. A.E. van Breda, Posbus 3183, Freemanville, Klerksdorp, 2573, Telefoon nommer: 072 249 5400, waarop kennisgewings gepubliseer sal word: 11 en 18 Mei 2021. 11-18 NOTICE TO ADJACENT OWNERS AND AFFECTED PARTIES RELATING TO A LAND DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION TO THE MATLOSANA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, IN RESPECT OF A PORTION OF ERF 744, FLAMWOOD X 2 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION I.P., NORTH-WEST PROVINCE, SITUATED AT 34 FLAMWOOD DRIVE, KLERKSDORP (AMENDMENT SCHEME 1365 AND ANNEXURE 1271). I, Alexander Edward van Breda, ID 620501 5073 08 2, being the authorized Agent of the Owner of Erf 744, Flamwood x 2 Township, Registration Division I.P., North-West Province (“the Property”), hereby give notice in terms of Sections 41(1)(a) and 41(2)(d) of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (“SPLUMA”), 2013 (Act 16 of 2013), read with Sections 62(1), 94(1)(a), 95(1), 96 and 97(1)(a) of the City of Matlosana Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-law, 2016 (“SPLUMA By-law”), read with Sections 56(1)(b)(i) and 56(1)(b)(ii) of the Transvaal Town Planning and Township Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that I have applied to the City of Matlosana Local Municipality for the amendment of the Klerksdorp Land Use Management Scheme, 2005 (“the LUMS”), for a change of land use rights (“also known as rezoning”) of a Portion of the Property (“the Application”). The intention of the Application as defined in Annexure 1271 to the Scheme contains the following proposal: (A)That a Portion of the subdivided Property, 787 m² in extent (in future be known as Portion 1 of Erf 744, Flamwood x 2) be rezoned from “Residential 1” to “Special” for the purposes of a residential storage facility (including archives, vehicles, furniture, all residential household products and excluding all industrial machinery and hazardous or flamable chemical products); (B)No restrictive title conditions are present in Title Deed T30899/2017; (C)The following adjacent properties: Erven Re/21, 47, 48 and 50, Flamwood Township; Erven 740, 741, 743, 745 and 756, Flamwood x 2 Township as well as others in the vicinity of the Property could possibly be affected hereby; (D)The rezoning of the Portion of the Property will comply with the following development parameters: maximum coverage of 50% and height restriction of one (1) story. Any objection or comments including the grounds pertaining thereto and contact detail, must be lodged within a period of 30 days from the date of first publication of the notice in the Provincial Gazette, Beeld and Citizen Newspaper in writing during normal office hours to the City of Matlozana local Municipality: office of the Municipal Manager, Record section, Basement, Municipal Building, Bram Fischer Street, Klerksdorp or to P.O. Box 99, Klerksdorp, 2570. Any person who cannot write may during office hours attend at the address mentioned above where the officials of the town planning section will assist that person to transcribe that person’s objections or comments. Full particulars of the Application and plans (if any) may be inspected and viewed during normal office hours at the above-mentioned offices, for a period of 30 days from the date of first publication of the notice in the Provincial Gazette, Beeld and Citizen Newspaper. Closing date for any objections: 10 June 2021. Address of the Applicant: Mr. A.E. van Breda, P.O. Box 3183, Freemanville, Klerksdorp, 2573, Telephone number: 072 249 5400, Dates on which notice will be published: 11 and 18 May 2021. 11-18
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