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Government Notice No. 646 of 2013
Standards Act, 2008 » Standards matters
Standards Act, 2008 » Standards matters
Trade and Industry
National Gazettes
, No.
of 30 August, 2013, 2 page(s), 131Kb
38 No. 36779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 AUGUST 2013 DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY DEPARTEMENT VAN HANDEL EN NYWERHEID No. 646 30 August 2013 STANDARDS ACT, 2008 STANDARDS MATTERS In terms of the Standards Act, 2008 (Act No. 8 of 2008), the Council of the South African Bureau of Standards has acted in regard to standards in the manner set out in the Schedules to this notice. All South African standards that were previously published by the South African Bureau of Standards with the prefix "SABS" have been redesignated as South African national standards and are now published by the SABS Standards Division (a division of SABS) with the prefix "SANS". A list of all existing South African national standards was published by Government Notice No. 1373 of 8 November 2002. In the list of SANS standards below, the equivalent SABS numbers, where applicable, are given below the new SANS numbers for the sake of convenience. Standards that were published with the "SABS" prefix are listed as such. SCHEDULE 1: ISSUE OF NEW STANDARDS The standards mentioned have been issued in terms of section 16(3) of the Act. Standard No. Title, scope and purport and year Copper-based fittings for copper tubes - Part 3: Push fit fittings. Covers copper based push-fit fittings for use with SANS 1067-3:2013 copper tubes that comply with the requirements of SANS 460 for sizes 8 mm to 54 mm. Hydraulic fluid power - General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components. Specifies general rules and safety requirements for hydraulic fluid power systems and components used on machinery as defined by SANS 4413:2013/ ISO 12100 (published in South Africa as an identical adoption under the designation SANS 12100). Deals with all ISO 4413:2010 significant hazards associated with hydraulic fluid power systems and specifies the principles to apply in order to avoid those hazards when the systems are put to their intended use. Instrument transformers - Part 3: Additional requirements for inductive voltage transformers. Applies to new inductive SANS 61869-3:2013/ voltage transformers for use with electrical measuring instruments and electrical protective devices at frequencies from IEC 61869-3:2011 15 Hz to 100 Hz. Can only be used in conjunction with SANS 61869-1. Instrument transformers - Part 5: Additional requirements for capacitor voltage transformers. Applies to new single- SANS 61869-5:2013/ phase capacitor voltage transformers connected between line and ground for system voltages U,,, > 72,5 kV at power IEC 61869-5:2011 frequencies from 15 Hz to 100 Hz. They are intended to supply a low voltage for measurement, control and protective functions. Can only be used in conjunction with SANS 61869-1. SATR 61869-103:2013/ Instrument transformers - The use of instrument transformers for power quality measurement. Applies to inductive and IEC/TR 61869-103:2012 electronic instrument transformers with analogue or digital output for use with electrical measuring instruments for measurement and interpretation of results for power quality parameters in 50/60 Hz a.c. power supply systems. SCHEDULE 2: AMENDMENT OF EXISTING STANDARDS The standards mentioned have been amended in terms of section 16(3) of the Act. The number and date of a standard that has been superseded appear in brackets below the new number. In the case of an amendment issued in consolidated format, the edition number of the new (consolidated) edition appears in brackets below the number of the standard. Standard No. Title, scope and purport and year SANS 731-1:2013 Road markings - Part 1: Single-pack solvent-borne paints. Consolidated edition incorporating amendment No. I. (Ed. 4.1) Amended to re-insert the title for the subclause on skid resistance and retroreflectivity and to correct the subsequent numbering and cross references accordingly. SANS 1191:2013 High penetration-resistant laminated safety glass for vehicles. Consolidated edition incorporating amendment No. 6. (Ed. 1.6) Amended to change the height of testing impact resistance. SANS 1574-5:2013 Electric flexible cables with solid extruded dielectric insulation - Part 5: Rubber-insulated cables for industrial use. (Ed. 1.1) Consolidated edition incorporating amendment No. I. Amended to change the title, to update the list of parts in the foreword, to add a type of cable, to update referenced standards, to delete definitions, to add nickel as the other type of covering for copper conductors, to add a table on specific requirements for polyester protected cords and to renumber the subsequent tables.
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