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Board Notice No. 159 of 2014
Tourism Act (3/2014) » Invitation to nominate candidates to serve as non-executive members of South African...
Tourism Act (3/2014) » Invitation to nominate candidates to serve as non-executive members of South African Tourism Board
Board Notices
National Gazettes
, No.
of 24 December, 2014, 2 page(s), 153Kb
STAATSKOERANT, 24 DESEMBER 2014 No. 38368 3 BOARD NOTICE BOARD NOTICE 159 OF 2014 tourism 1)1 A Department: Tourism REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA rel ;`ir 4 INVITATION TO NOMINATE CANDIDATES TO SERVE AS NON- EXECUTIVE E BERS OF SOUTH AFRICAN TOURISM BOARD South African Tourism Board is a public entity established under the repealed Tourism Act, No. 72 of 1993 and continues to exist as a juristic person in terms of section 9 of the Tourism Act, No. 3 of 2014 (the Act). The primary mandate of South African Tourism Board includes marketing South Africa as a domestic and international tourist destination; and marketing South African tourism products and facilities domestically and internationally. The mandate must be managed by a Board consisting of at least nine and not more than thirteen (13) non- executive members appointed by the Minister, for a three year term, on the basis of their knowledge, experience and qualifications relating to the functions of South African Tourism. In terms of section 15 of the Act a person may not be appointed as a member of the Board if that person - (a) is not a South African citizen and ordinarily resident in the Republic; (b) is an un-rehabilitated insolvent; (c) is disqualified under any law from practising that person's profession; (d) has been convicted of an offence in the Republic, other than an offence committed prior to 27 April 1994 associated with political objectives, and sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine or, in the case of fraud or any other offence involving dishonesty, to a fine or imprisonment or both; (e) subject to subsection (2), has been convicted of an offence in a foreign country and sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine or, in the case of fraud or any other offence involving dishonesty, to a fine or imprisonment or both; or has at any time been removed from an office of trust on account of breach of a fiduciary duty. In terms of section 13(3)(a) of the Act, the Minister of Tourism, Mr Derek Hanekom, hereby invites nomination of suitable candidates to be considered for appointment to serve as non-executive members of the South African Tourism Board for a three year term that is envisaged to be effective from 01 June 2015. Nomination of candidates must be in writing and contains the following details: Full names and address of the persons or organisation nominating a candidate; 1 2. A curriculum vitae of a nominee candidate, which must include:- * full names, identity number, race and gender; contact address; including telephone, fax, postal and email address; areas of expertise of a candidate; current and previous positions; ® current and previous Board/Council service; O certified copies of SAQA recognised qualifications; and At least two names and contact details of references.
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