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General Notice No. 664 of 2018
Town-planning and Townships Ordinance (15/1986) » Bardene Extension 92
Town-planning and Townships Ordinance (15/1986) » Bardene Extension 92
Provincial Gazettes (Gauteng)
, No.
of 31 May, 2018, 6 page(s), 56.4Kb
PROVINSIALE KOERANT, BUITENGEWOON, 31 MEI 2018 No. 148 3 NOTICE 664 OF 2018 LOCAL AUTHORITY NOTICE CITY OF EKURHULENI METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY DECLARATION AS APPROVED TOWNSHIP In terms of Section 103 of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 15 of 1986, the City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality hereby declares Bardene Extension 92 Township to be an approved township subject to the conditions set out in the schedule hereto. SCHEDULE STATEMENT OF THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION MADE BY CLOVERSGREEN INVESTMENTS PTY LTD 2012/121760/07 (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE APPLICANTS/TOWNSHIP OWNERS) UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF PART A AND C OF CHAPTER 3 OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986), FOR PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH A TOWNSHIP ON THE REMAINING EXTENT OF PORTION 1032 (A PORTION OF PORTION 175) OF THE FARM KLIPF ONTEIN 83 IR HAS BEEN GRANTED BY THE CITY OF EKURHULENI METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY. 1 CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT 1.1 NAME The name of the township shall be Bardene Extension 92. 1.2 DESIGN The township shall consist of erven and streets as indicated on General Plan S.G. No. 3194/2014. 1.3 DISPOSAL OF EXISTING CONDITIONS OF TITLE All erven shall be made subject to existing conditions and servitude’s. 1.4 DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES The township owners shall at their own expense cause all existing buildings and structures situated within the building line reserves, side spaces or over common boundaries to be demolished to the satisfaction of the local authority, within a period of six (6) months from the date of publication of this notice. 1.5 REMOVAL OR REPLACEMENT OF MUNICIPAL SERVICES If, by reason of the establishment of the township, it becomes necessary to remove or replace any existing municipal services, the cost thereof shall be borne by the township owners. 1.6 OBLIGATION IN REGARD TO ENGINEERING SERVICES The township owners shall fulfil their obligation in respect of the provision and installation of engineering services 1.7 ACCESS AND PARKING (a) Access to the township shall be from View Point Road via Bardene Extension 90 Township for which purpose the erven in Bardene Extension 90 and Bardene Extension 92 Townships shall be notarially tied in perpetuity upon declaration of Bardene Extension 92 Township. (b) Parking for Bardene Extension 92 shall be on Bardene Extension 98 Township, for which purposes the erven in Bardene Extension 92 and Bardene Extension 98 Townships shall be notarially tied in perpetuity within six (6) months of the declaration of Bardene Extension 92 or 98, whichever is the latter. 1.8 CONSOLIDATION OF ERVEN The township owner shall at his own expense cause Erven 1309 and 1310 in the township to be consolidated, within a period of six (6) months from the date of publication of this notice. 1.9 NOTARIAL TIE OF ERVEN (a) The consolidated erven in Bardene Extension 90 and Bardene Extension 92 Townships shall, for access purposes, be notarially tied in perpetuity upon declaration of Bardene Extension 92 Township;
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