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General Notice No. 1584 of 2014
Town-planning and Townships Ordinance (15/1986) » Brakpan Amendment Scheme 684
Town-planning and Townships Ordinance (15/1986) » Brakpan Amendment Scheme 684
Provincial Gazettes (Gauteng)
, No.
of 11 June, 2014, 1 page(s), 23.1Kb
80 No. 139 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 11 JUNE 2014 NOTICE 1583 OF 2014 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56 (1) (b) (i) OF THE TOWN-PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE No. 15 OF 1986) BEDFORDVIEW AMENDMENT SCHEME 1658 We, Koplan Consultants, being the authorized agent of the owner of the Erf 97, Essexwold Extension 2, hereby give notice in terms of section 56 (1) (b) (i) of the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that we have applied to the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality for the amendment of the town-planning scheme known as Bedfordview Town-planning Scheme, 1995, for the rezoning of the property described above, situated at 2 Civin Drive, Essexwold Extension 2, from Business 4” to “Special” for a multi-level storage facility and ancillary uses. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Area Manager, City Planning, Edenvale Service Delivery Centre, Ground Floor, Room 248, Civic Centre, Van Riebeeck Avenue, Edenvale, and at the offices of Koplan Consultants, 47 Third Street, Linden, for the period of 28 days from 11 June 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Executive Officer at the above address or P.O. Box 30733, Braamfontein, 2017, and to Koplan Consultants, P.O. Box 441026, Linden, 2104, within a period of 28 days from 11 June 2014. Name and address of agent: Koplan Consultants CC, 47 3rd Street, Linden, 2195. Tel: (011) 888-8685. E-mail: Date of first publication: 11 June 2014. Reference Number—1658. t KENNISGEWING 1583 VAN 2014 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56 (1) (b) (i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE 15 VAN 1986) BEDFORDVIEW-WYSIGINGSKEMA 1658 Ons, Koplan Consultants, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Erf 97, Essexwold Uitbreiding 2, gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56 (1) (b) (i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986, kennis dat ons by die Ekurhuleni Metropolitaanse Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Bedfordview Dorpsbeplanningskema, 1995, deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, geleë te Civinrylaan 2, Essexwold Uitbreiding 2, vanaf “Besigheid 4” tot “Spesiaal” multi-vlak stoor fasiliteit en aanverwante gebruike. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Area Bestuurder, Stedelike Beplanning, Grondvloer, Kamer 248, Burgersentrum, Van Riebeecklaan, Edenvale, en te die kantore van Koplan Consultants, 3de Straat 47, Linden, vir ’n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 11 Junie 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ’n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 11 Junie 2014 skriftelik by of tot die Uitvoerende Direkteur by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 30722, Braamfontein, 2017, en Koplan Consultants, Posbus 441026, Linden, 2104, ingedien of gerig word. Naam en adres van agent: Koplan Consultants, 3de Straat 47, Linden, 2195. Tel: (011) 888-8685. E-pos: Datum van eerste publikasie: 11 Junie 2014. Verwysingsnommer—1658. 11–18 NOTICE 1584 OF 2014 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56 (1) (b) (i) and (ii) OF THE TOWN-PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) BRAKPAN AMENDMENT SCHEME 684 We, Terraplan Gauteng CC, being the authorised agent of the owners of Erven 954, 955 and R/956, Brakpan, hereby give notice in terms of section 56 (1) (b) (i) and (ii) of the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986, that we have applied to the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, Brakpan Customer Care Centre for the amendment of the town-planning scheme known as Brakpan Town-planning Scheme, 1980 by the rezoning of the properties described above, situated on the corner of Voortrekker Road, Gordon Street and Queen Avenue (320 Voortrekker Street, 47B and 49 Queen Avenue) from respectively “Residential 4” and “Business 1” to “Business 1” with the inclusion of a motor vehicle dealership as primary land use inclusive of subservient showrooms, workshops and offices, subject to certain restrictive measures. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Department City Planning, Civic Centre, c/o Escombe Avenue and Elliot Avenue, Brakpan, 1540, for the period of 28 days from 11-06-2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Area Manager at the above address or at PO Box 15, Brakpan, 1540, within a period of 28 days from 11-06-2014. Address of agent: (HS 2226) Terraplan Gauteng CC, PO Box 1903, Kempton Park, 1620.
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