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General Notice No. 1521 of 2014
Town-planning and Townships Ordinance (15/1986) » Fairland Ext 32
Town-planning and Townships Ordinance (15/1986) » Fairland Ext 32
Provincial Gazettes (Gauteng)
, No.
of 11 June, 2014, 1 page(s), 323Kb
94 No. 139 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 11 JUNE 2014 NOTICE 1521 OF 2014 CITY OF JOHANNESBURG : NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWNSHIP The City of Johannesburg, hereby gives notice in terms of Section 69(6)(a) read in conjunction with Section 96(3) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986, (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that an application to establish the township, referred to in the annexure hereto, has been received. Particulars of the application are open to inspection during the normal office hours at the office of the Executive Director : Development, Planning, Transportation and Environment, Civic Centre, 158 Loveday Street, A-Block, Room 8100, 8th Floor, Braamfontein for a period of 28 (twenty-eight) days from 4 June 2014. Objections or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing and in duplicate to the City of Johannesburg, at the above address or at P 0 Box 30733, Braamfontein 2017, within a period of 28 (twenty-eight) days from 4 June 2014. ANNEXURE Name of township: Fair land Ext 32 Full name of applicant : Hunter Theron Inc. Number of erven in the proposed township : "Residential 3" : 2 erven, Public Street Description of land on which township is to be established : Portion of Re of Prtion 117 (Portion of Portion 33) of the Farm Weltevreden 202 IQ Locality of proposed township : The site is located north of 14th Avenue, north and adjacent to proposed township Fairland Ext 33, east of the N1 Western Bypass, the MTN Constantia Office Park and the proposed Metro Boulevard alignment, south and adjacent to Fairland Ext 4 township, west and adjacent to Davison Street and west of 13th Avenue in Fairland suburb. Authorised Agent : Nita Conradie, Hunter, Theron Inc. P 0 Box 489, Florida Hills, 1716, TeI:(011) 472-1613, Fax : (011) 472-3454, email : nita(&huntertheron co za t KENNISGEWING 1521 VAN 2014 STAD VAN JOHANNESBURG : KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM STIGTING VAN DORP Die Stad van Johannesburg, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 69(6) saamgelees met Artikel 96(3) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat 'n aansoek om die dorp te stig, in die bylae hierby genoem, ontvang is. Al le dokumente relevant tot die aansoek le ter insae gedurende die gewone kantoorure by die Uitvoerende Direkteur, Ontwikkelingsbeplanning, Vervoer en Omgewing, Metropolitaanse Sentrum, Lovedaystraat 158, Kamer 8100, 8ste Verdieping, A-Blok, Braamfontein of op sodanige plek soos by die bostaande adres aangedui, vir 'n tydperk van 28 (agt-en-twintig) dae vanaf 4 Junie 2014. Besware teen of vertoe ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne 'n tydperk van 28 (agt-en-twintig) dae vanaf 4 Junie 2014, skriftelik en in tweevoud by bovermelde adres of Posbus 30733, Braamfontein, 2017, ingedien word. BYLAE Naam van die dorp : Fairland Uitbr 32 Voile naam van aansoeker : Hunter Theron Ing Aantal erwe in voorgestelde dorp : "Residensieel 3" : 2 erwe, Openbare Straat Beskrywing van grond waarop dorp gestig staan te word : Gedeelte van Restant van Gedeelte 117 (Gedeelte van Gedeelte 33) van die Pleas Weltevreden 202 IQ Ligging van voorgestelde dorp : Die terrein is gelee noord van 14de Weg, noord en aanliggend aan voorgestelde dorp Fairland X33, oos van die N1 Westelike Verbypad, die MTN Constantia Kantoor Park en die voorgestelde Metro Boulevard belyning, suid en aanliggend aan Fairland X4 dorp, wes en aanliggend aan Davidsonstraat en wes van 13deweg in Fairland dorpsgebied. Gemagtige Agent : Nita Conradie, Hunter, Theron Ing, Posbus 489, FLORIDA HILLS, 1716, Tel : (011) 472-1613, Faks : (011) 472-3454, email : nita( 4–11
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