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General Notice No. 28 of 2021
Town Planning and townships ordinance (15/1986) » Melodie extension 27
Town Planning and townships ordinance (15/1986) » Melodie extension 27
Provincial Gazettes (North West)
, No.
of 23 March, 2021, 1 page(s), 50.4Kb
ProviNSiale KoeraNt, 23 Maart 2021 No. 8193 11 NOTICE 28 OF 2021 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWNSHIP The Madibeng Local Municipality hereby give notice in terms of Section 69(6)(a) read with Sections 96 and 100, and Regulation 21 of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance 1986, (Ordinance 15 of NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWNSHIP 1986), read with SPLUMA, that an application to amend the approved proposed township referred to in the Annexure hereto has been received by it. The Madibeng Local Municipality hereby give notice in terms of Section 69(6)(a) read with Sections 96 Full particulars and plans (if any) may be inspected during normal office hours at the Municipal Manager, and 100, and Regulation 21 of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance 1986, (Ordinance 15 of Room 223, Second Floor, Municipal Offices, Van Velden Street, Brits, for a period of 30 days from 23 1986), read with SPLUMA, that an application to amend the approved proposed township referred to in March 2021. the Annexure hereto has been received by it. Full particulars and plans (if any) may be inspected during normal office hours at the Municipal Manager, Any objection or comments, with the grounds therefore and contact details, shall be lodged within a Room 223, Second Floor, Municipal Offices, Van Velden Street, Brits, for a period of 30 days from 23 period of 30 days from 23 March 2021, with or made in writing to: The Municipal Manager at: Room 223, March 2021. Second Floor, Municipal Offices, Van Velden Street, Brits, or at PO Box 106, Brits, 0250. Any objection or comments, with the grounds therefore and contact details, shall be lodged within a period of 30 days from 23 March 2021, with or made in writing to: The Municipal Manager at: Room 223, ANNEXURE Second Floor, Municipal Offices, Van Velden Street, Brits, or at PO Box 106, Brits, 0250. Name of township: Melodie Extension 27. ANNEXURE Full name of applicant: Jeff de Klerk Town Planning Services on behalf of Legae La Magae Property Name of township: Melodie Extension 27. Solutions Pty Ltd and Three Oaks Boutique Hotels Pty Ltd. Full name of applicant: Jeff de Klerk Town Planning Services on behalf of Legae La Magae Property Solutions Pty Ltd and Three Oaks Boutique Hotels Pty Ltd. Number of erven in proposed township: 18 x Residential 3; 2 x Private Open Space; 6 x Special for Private Road, Access Control and Access Gate. Number of erven in proposed township: 18 x Residential 3; 2 x Private Open Space; 6 x Special for Private Road, Access Control and Access Gate. Description of the land on which the township is to be established: Holdings 62, 63 & 64, Melodie Agricultural Holdings. Description of the land on which the township is to be established: Holdings 62, 63 & 64, Melodie Agricultural Holdings. Locality of proposed township: North-east and adjacent to Road P249-1, north-west and adjacent to Road 1562 (Beethoven Road). Locality of proposed township: North-east and adjacent to Road P249-1, north-west and adjacent to Road 1562 (Beethoven Road). Address of applicant: P O Box 105, Ifafi, 0260, Tel 082 229 1151 Address of applicant: P O Box 105, Ifafi, 0260, Tel 082 229 1151 23-30 23-30 KENNISGEWING 28 VAN 2021 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM STIGTING VAN `N DORP KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM STIGTING VAN `N DORP Die Madibeng Plaaslike Munisipaliteit gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 69 (6)(a) saamgelees met Artikels Die Madibeng Plaaslike Munisipaliteit gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 69 (6)(a) saamgelees met Artikels 96 en 100 en Regulasie 21 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 96 en 100 en Regulasie 21 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), saamgelees met SPLUMA, kennis dat `n aansoek om wysiging van die goedgekeurde van 1986), saamgelees met SPLUMA, kennis dat `n aansoek om wysiging van die goedgekeurde voorgestelde dorp in die Bylae hierby genoem, deur hom ontvang is. voorgestelde dorp in die Bylae hierby genoem, deur hom ontvang is. Volle besonderhede van die aansoek lˆ ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die Munisipale Volle besonderhede van die aansoek lˆ ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die Munisipale Bestuurder, Kamer 223, Tweedevloer, Munisipale Kantore, Van Veldenstraat, Brits, vir `n tydperk van 30 Bestuurder, Kamer 223, Tweedevloer, Munisipale Kantore, Van Veldenstraat, Brits, vir `n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 23 Maart 2021, synde die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing. dae vanaf 23 Maart 2021, synde die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing. Besware of verto‰ ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne `n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 23 Maart 2021 Besware of verto‰ ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne `n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 23 Maart 2021 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder, Kamer 223, Tweedevloer, Munisipale Kantore, Van skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder, Kamer 223, Tweedevloer, Munisipale Kantore, Van Veldenstraat, Brits, of by Posbus 106, Brits, 0250 ingedien word. Veldenstraat, Brits, of by Posbus 106, Brits, 0250 ingedien word. BYLAE BYLAE Naam van dorp: Melodie Uitbreiding 27. Naam van dorp: Melodie Uitbreiding 27. Volle naam van aansoeker: Jeff de Klerk Stadsbeplanningsdienste namens Legae La Magae Property Solutions Edms Bpk en Three Oaks Boutique Hotels Edms Bpk. Volle naam van aansoeker: Jeff de Klerk Stadsbeplanningsdienste namens Legae La Magae Property Aantal erwe in voorgestelde dorp: 18 x Residensieel 3; 2 Solutions Edms Bpk en Three Oaks Boutique Hotels Edms Bpk. x Privaat Oopruimte; 6 x Spesiaal vir Privaatpad, Toegangsbeheer en Toegangshek. Aantal erwe in voorgestelde dorp: 18 x Residensieel 3; 2 x Privaat Oopruimte; 6 x Spesiaal vir Beskrywing van grond waarop dorp gestig staan te word: Hoewes 62, 63 & 64, Melodie Landbouhoewes. Privaatpad, Toegangsbeheer en Toegangshek. Ligging van voorgestelde dorp: Noord-oos en aanliggend aan Pad P249-1, noord-wes en aanliggend aan Beskrywing van grond waarop dorp gestig staan te word: Hoewes 62, 63 & 64, Melodie Landbouhoewes. Pad 1562 (Beethovenweg). Ligging van voorgestelde dorp: Noord-oos en aanliggend aan Pad P249-1, noord-wes en aanliggend aan Adres van applikant: Posbus 105, Ifafi, 0260, Tel 082 229 1151. Pad 1562 (Beethovenweg). 23-30 Adres van applikant: Posbus 105, Ifafi, 0260, Tel 082 229 1151. 23-30
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