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Local Authority Notice No. 146 of 2021
Town Planning and townships ordinance, 1986 » matlosana estates extension 12
Town Planning and townships ordinance, 1986 » matlosana estates extension 12
Provincial Gazettes (North West)
, No.
of 06 December, 2021, 1 page(s), 116Kb
GOEDKEURING VAN WYSIGING VAN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA Die Stadsraad van Matlosana verklaar hierby ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 125 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 dat hy ‘n wysigingskema synde ‘n wysiging van die Klerksdorp Grondgebruikbestuurskema, 2005, wat uit dieselfde grond as wat die dorp Matlosana Estates Uitbreiding 12 bestaan, goedgekeur het. STADSRAAD VAN MATLOSANA Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema word in bewaring gehou deur die Munisipale Bestuurder, Stadsraad van Matlosana en die Hoof Stads-en Streekbeplanner, Departement Samewerkende Regering, en Tradisionele Sake, Potchefstroom en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Klerksdorp Wysigingskema 1295 en tree in werking op datum van publikasie van 14 No. 8296 ProviNcial Gazette, 6 December 2021 hierdie kennisgewing. Burgersentrum T.S.R. NKHUMISE KLERKSDORP MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER Kennisgewingnommer: 30/2021 13/1/7/317 LOCAL AUTHORITY NOTICE 146 OF 2021 CITY OF MATLOSANA APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME The City of Matlosana hereby in terms of the provisions of Section 125 of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 declares that it has approved an amendment scheme being an amendment of the Klerksdorp Land Use Management Scheme, 2005, comprising the same land as included in the township of Matlosana Estates Extension 12. Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme are filed with the Municipal Manager, City of Matlosana and the Chief Town and Regional Planner, Department Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Potchefstroom and are open for inspection at all reasonable times. This amendment is known as Klerksdorp Amendment Scheme 1295 and shall come into operation on the date of publication of this notice. Civic Centre T.S.R. NKHUMISE KLERKSDORP MUNICIPAL MANAGER Notice No. 30/2021 13/1/7/317 PLAASLIKE BESTUURSKENNISGWING 146 VAN 2021 STADSRAAD VAN MATLOSANA GOEDKEURING VAN WYSIGING VAN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA Die Stadsraad van Matlosana verklaar hierby ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 125 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 dat hy ‘n wysigingskema synde ‘n wysiging van die Klerksdorp Grondgebruikbestuurskema, 2005, wat uit dieselfde grond as wat die dorp Matlosana Estates Uitbreiding 12 bestaan, goedgekeur het. Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema word in bewaring gehou deur die Munisipale Bestuurder, Stadsraad van Matlosana en die Hoof Stads-en Streekbeplanner, Departement Samewerkende Regering, en Tradisionele Sake, Potchefstroom en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Klerksdorp Wysigingskema 1295 en tree in werking op datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing. Burgersentrum T.S.R. NKHUMISE KLERKSDORP MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER Kennisgewingnommer: 30/2021 13/1/7/317 CITY OF MATLOSANA APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME The City of Matlosana hereby in terms of the provisions of Section 125 of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 declares that it has approved an amendment scheme being an amendment of the Klerksdorp Land Use Management Scheme, 2005, comprising the same land as included in the township of Matlosana Estates Extension 12. Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme are filed with the Municipal Manager, City of Matlosana and the Chief Town and Regional Planner, Department Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Potchefstroom and are open for inspection at all reasonable times. This amendment is known as Klerksdorp Amendment Scheme 1295 and shall come into operation on the date of publication of this notice. Civic Centre T.S.R. NKHUMISE KLERKSDORP MUNICIPAL MANAGER Notice No. 30/2021 13/1/7/317
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