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Local Authority Notice No. 1683 of 2021
Town-Planning and townships ordinance, 1986 » Windmill Park extension 22
Town-Planning and townships ordinance, 1986 » Windmill Park extension 22
Provincial Gazettes (Gauteng)
, No.
of 06 December, 2021, 6 page(s), 61.5Kb
ProviNsiale KoeraNt, buiteNGeWooN 6 Desember 2021 No. 428 3 LOCAL AUTHORITY NOTICE 1683 OF 2021 CITY OF EKURHULENI METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY DECLARATION AS AN APPROVED TOWNSHIP In terms of the provisions of Section 103(1) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986, to be read with the provisions of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013, the City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality hereby declares Windmill Park Extension 22 Township to be an approved township subject to the conditions set out in the schedule hereto. SCHEDULE STATEMENT OF THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION MADE JOZI HOUSING (PTY) LTD (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE APPLICANT/TOWNSHIP OWNER) UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF PARTS A AND C OF CHAPTER 3 OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986), FOR PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH A TOWNSHIP ON PORTION 135 OF THE FARM FINAALSPAN 114-IR HAS BEEN GRANTED 1. CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT 1.1 NAME The name of the township shall be Windmill Park Extension 22. 1.2 DESIGN The township shall consist of erven and streets as indicated on General Plan S.G. No. 3070/2018. 1.3 DISPOSAL OF EXISTING CONDITIONS OF TITLE All erven shall be made subject to existing conditions and servitudes, if any. 1.3.1 The following conditions which do affect the township area: 1. “The registered owner shall together with the other lessees and/or grantees on the KATE HAMEL STTLEMENT be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of any roads serving the Settlement (not being roads under the control of the Provincial Administration), the dipping tank if and when erected, boreholes, tanks and windmills, situate on those portions of ensuring to the lessees and/or grantees dipping and water facilities on a communal basis. In the event of the provisions of the Settlement (Committee of Management) Act, 1925, or any amendment thereof being applied to the KATE HAMEL SETTLEMENT, the registered owner shall combine with the other lessees and/or grantees on the said Settlement to form and maintain a Committee of Management to deal with matters of common interest to the lessees and/or grantees on the Settlement.” 2. “The State shall at all times have the right in such manner and under such conditions as it may think fit to construct and form dams and reservoirs upon the land hereby transferred, and to erect, make and construct telegraph and telephone lines, roads, railways, water-furrows, pipe lines, canals, and drains upon and conduct the same through and over the land hereby transferred in the interest of the public or of the owner, lessee or occupier or holder of Mining Title on any land adjoining or in the neighbourhood of the land hereby transferred, and to take materials therefor for the foregoing purposes on payment (save may be otherwise provide by law) to the registered owner as compensation for loss or damage actually sustained as may be mutually agreed upon between the State and the registered owner or failing such agreement as may be determined by arbitration in manner provided by the laws relating to arbitration, provided that the arbitrators may set off against the loss or damage caused to the registered owner, the benefit, instant or prospective to which he shall or may derive in consequence of the construction of any of the said works.” 1.4 DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES The township owners shall at their own expense cause all existing buildings and structures situated within the building line reserves, side spaces or over common boundaries to be demolished to the satisfaction of the local authority, within a period of six (6) months from the date of publication of this notice. 1.5 REMOVAL OR REPLACEMENT OF MUNICIPAL SERVICES If, by reason of the establishment of the township, it becomes necessary to remove or replace any existing municipal services, the cost thereof shall be borne by the township owners. 1.6 ENDOWMENTS The township owners shall, in terms of the provisions of section 98(2) and (3) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986, pay a lump sum endowment of (to be determined as part of the Service Agreement for this township) to the local authority which amount shall be used by the local authority for the provision of land for parks and/or open spaces in or for the township.
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