
National Gazette No. 50138, 16 February 2024, Vol. 704

Summary 20240216 - National Gazette No. 50138 of 16-February-2024, Volume 704, 160 page(s), 17 notice(s), 9.8Mb
Publication  National Gazettes

Title Pages
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development    
Ment van 4380 Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act (3/1996) » Stertriem Fontein commonly known as Lasquit Farm, Registration Division FT, Government Notice
Liquor Products Act (60/1989) » Regulations relating to fees » Amendment, Government Notice No. 4381
Wet op Drankprodukte (60/1989) » Regulasies rakende tariewe » Wysiging, Government Notice No. 4381
Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994), as amended » various properties, Government Notice No. 4382
Department of Communications and Digital Technologies    
Films and Publications Act (65/1996), as amended » Notice in terms of section 18(1) and section 24A of the Act, Government Notice No. 4383
Films and Publications Act (65/1996), as amended » Films and Publications Amendment Tariffs Regulations, 2020, Government Notice No. 4384
Department of Cooperative Governance    
Disaster Management Act (57/2002) » Guideline on Integration of Disaster Risk Reduction into Municipal Integrated Development Plans, Government Notice No. 4385
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries    
National Environmental Management Act (107/1998) » Notice of the intention to adopt Environmental Management Instruments for the purpose of excluding in terms of section 24(2)(c) and (e) of the Act, identified activities from the requirement to obtain environmental authorisation, Government Notice No. 4386
Department of Health    
Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act (78/1973) » Increase of Pension benefits, Government Notice No. 4387
Wet op bedryfsiektes in Myne en bedrywe (78/1973) » Verhoging van pensioen voordele, Government Notice No. 4387
Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act (54/1972) » Regulations governing the maximum limits for pesticide residues that may be present in foodstuffs » Amendment, Government Notice No. 4388
Allied Health Professions Act (63/1982) » Regulations relating to the Profession of Homeopathy, Government Notice No. 4389
Department of Trade, Industry and Competition    
Competition Act (89/1998) as amended » Completion and publication of the Impact Assessment Report on the South African breweries and Diageo Merger conducted in terms of section 21A of the Act, Government Notice No. 4390
Competition Act (89/1998) as amended » Memorandum of understanding (MOu) entered into between the Competition Commission (Commission) and Construction Industry Development board (CIDb), Government Notice No. 4391
Department of Water Affairs    
National Water Act of 1998 » Caledon-Modder Subsystem - Limiting the use of water in terms of item 6 of Schedule 3 of the Act for urban and irrigation purposes from the dams within the Caledon-Modder Subsystem, Government Notice No. 4392
South African Reserve Bank    
The banks Act (94/1990 - the banks Act) » Consent granted in terms of section 34 of the Act for a foreign institution to establish a representative office within the Republic of South Africa » CbZ bank Limited, General Notice No. 2324
Department of Tourism    
Tourism Act (3/2014) » General notice calling for submission of information from Tourism businesses in terms of section 6(2) of the Act, General Notice No. 2325

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