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General Notice No. 816 of 2014
International Air Service Act (60/1993) » Grant/amendment of international air service license
International Air Service Act (60/1993) » Grant/amendment of international air service license
National Gazettes
, No.
of 19 September, 2014, 1 page(s), 67.6Kb
STAATSKOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 2014 No. 37999 101 NOTICE 816 OF 2014 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT INTERNATIONAL AIR SERVICE ACT, (ACT NO.60 OF 1993) GRANT /AMENDMENT OF INTERNATIONAL AIR SERVICE LICENSE Pursuant to the provisions of section 17 (12) of Act No.60 of 1993 and Regulation 15 (1) and 15 (2) of the International Air Regulations,1994, it is hereby notified for general information that the applications, detail of which appear in the Schedules hereto, will be considered by the International Air Services Council (Council) Representation in accordance with section 16(3) of the Act No. 60 of 1993 and regulation 25(1) of International Air Services Regulation, 1994, against or in favour of an application, should reach the Chairman of the International Air Services Council at Department of Transport, Private Bag X 193, Pretoria, 0001, within 28 days of the application hereof. It must be stated whether the party or parties making such representation is/ are prepared to be represent or represented at the possible hearing of the application APPENDIX I (A) Full name, surname and trade name of the applicant. (B) Full business or residential address of the applicant. (C) Class of licence applied for. (D) Type of International Air Service to which application pertains. (E) Category or kind of aircraft to which application pertains. (F) Airport from and the airport to which flights will be undertaken. (G) Area to be served. (H) Frequency of flight. (A) Vukani Aviation CC. (B) Clearwater Estate, Block A, First Floor, cnr Park & Atlas Road, Boksburg. (C) Class II. (D) Type N1 and N2. (E) Category A3. (F) Heidelberg Airfield / Rand Airport. APPENDIX II (A) Full name, surname and trade name of the applicant. (B) Full business or residential address of the applicant. (C) Class of licence applied for. (D) Type of International Air Service to which application pertains. (E) Category or kind of aircraft to which application pertains. (F) Airport from and the airport to which flights will be undertaken. (G) Area to be served. (H) Frequency of flight. (A) SA Airlink (Pty) Ltd; Airlink. (B) Airlink Building, No. 3 Greenstone Hill Office Park, Greenstone Hill, Modderfontein. (C) Class I; I/S073. (D) Type S 1. (E) Category Al. (F) OR Tambo International Airport. (G) and (H) Adding the following. State Destination Frequencies Botswana Maun Three (3) return flights per week (with 83 seats) Botswana Francistown Seven (7) return flights per week (with 37 seats) Rwanda Kigali Seven (7) return flights per week (with 37 seats) Burundi Bujumbura Seven (7) return flights per week (with 37 seats)
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