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Provincial Notice No. 25 of 2014
KwaZulu-Natal Land Administration Act (3/2003) » Remainder of Portion 16 of the farm Albinia
KwaZulu-Natal Land Administration Act (3/2003) » Remainder of Portion 16 of the farm Albinia
Provincial Gazettes (Kwazulu Natal)
, No.
of 06 February, 2014, 3 page(s), 168Kb
6 Februarie 2014 Die Provinsiale Koerant van KwaZulu-Natal 27 No. 25 6 February 2014 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 9(1) OF THE KWAZULU-NATAL LAND ADMINISTRATION ACT, 2003 (ACT NO. 3 OF 2003) KINDLY TAKE NOTE that the Member of the Executive Council for Human Settlements and Public Works of KwaZulu-Natal, (hereinafter referred to as "the MEC"), hereby gives notice in terms of section 9(1) of the KwaZulu-Natal Land Administration Act, 2003 (Act No. 3 of 2003), (hereinafter referred to as "the Act"), of the expropriation of the property described below, as contemplated in terms of the provisions of section 8 of the Act; AND FURTHER TAKE NOTE that the said property- 1. is fully described as Remainder of Portion 16 (of 8) of the Farm Albinia No. 957 measuring approximately 142 m2, situated in the Administrative District of KwaZulu-Natal and registered in the name of Andrew Carr by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. 50116/2001 dated 1 October 2001; 2. has the following rights: NIL; 3. is currently zoned: SPECIAL RESIDENTIAL 1800; 4. in which the operations which are being carried on currently: NIL; and 5. consists of the following improvements: NIL; AND FURTHER TAKE NOTE that if you are intending to claim compensation as a result of the expropriation you are invited to enter into negotiations with the MEC in this regard; AND FURTHER TAKE NOTE that your attention is drawn to the provisions of section 9(5)(a) which provide that - "Any expropriation referred to in subsection (4) takes effect immediately on publication of the notice even though compensation payable in respect of such property has not been finally determined or paid." Written representations in regard to the proposed expropriation can be made within thirty (30) days of the publication of this notice to the Head: Transport at the address hereunder for my consideration. Contact details: Head: Transport Telephonic Enquiries: Ms S Ngubo Private Bag X9043 Tel. No.: (033) 355 8973 PIETERMARITZBURG Fax No.: (033) 355 8967 3200 File ref.: P255/3/2/61 7%7 MR R PILLAY, MPL 4/0"1/3 Member of the Executive Council of the Province of KwaZulu-Natal responsible for Human Settlements and Public Works
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