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General Notice No. 119 of 2021
Municipality land use management by- laws 2015 » erven 932, 933 and 934 Kimberley
Municipality land use management by- laws 2015 » erven 932, 933 and 934 Kimberley
Provincial Gazettes (Northern Cape)
, No.
of 01 November, 2021, 1 page(s), 42.2Kb
4 No. 2458 ProviNcial Gazette, 1 November 2021 GENERAL NOTICE 119 OF 2021 SOL PLAATJE MUNICIPALITY PROPOSED REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIVE TITLE DEED CONDITIONS, REZONING, CONSOLIDATION, CONSENT USE AND THE RELAXATION OF BUILDING LINES I.R.O. ERVEN 932, 933 AND 934 KIMBERLEY, MEMORIAL ROAD AREA. NOTICE is hereby given that the Sol Plaatje Municipality has received an application for Erven 932, 933 and 934 Kimberley, from “MVD Kalahari” represented by Mr M Mathews in accordance with Sections 4(2)(a)(iii), 4 (2)(a)(iv), 4 (2)(b)(ii), 4 (2)(b)(iv) and 4 (2)(b)(v) and Sections 6, 8, 13 and 20 of the Municipality Land Use Management By-Laws, 2015 read together with the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (Act 16 of 2013), for the following; • Proposed Removal of Restrictive Conditions: - T 957/1965, page 5 (Erf 932) - T 622/1965, page 4 (Erf 933) - T 626/1965, page 4 (Erf 934) • Proposed Rezoning of Erf 932 Kimberley from “Residential 1” to “Educational” purposes; • Proposed Consolidation of Erf 932 Kimberley with adjacent Erven 933 and 934 Kimberley, which are zoned Educational; • Proposed Consent use for a dwelling unit on the consolidated erf; • Proposed Relaxation of the side boundary (abutting Municipal lane, Erven 929,930 and 36541) from 2m to 0m, Street boundary (abutting Henderson Street) from 4.5m to 0m, side, side boundary (abutting Municipal lane, Erven 23331, 23332 and 24823) from 2m to 0m, side boundary (abutting Municipal lane adjacent to Erven 935, 14457 and 16590) from 2m to 0m. Particulars regarding this application can be obtained during office hours from Registry, 053 8306671, Urban Planning Section of the Directorate of the Executive Director: Strategy, Economic Development and Planning, Second Floor, Old Complex, Civic Offices, Kimberley. Objections, if any, against this application must be lodged in writing with full reasons therefore, to reach the above on or before, MONDAY, 29 NOVEMBER 2021. Any person who cannot read or write may, during office hours, come to the Municipality where the relevant planning official will assist such persons by transcribing their objections, comments and representations. N TYABASHE - KESIAMANG E.D. STRATEGY, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING U.D. STRATEGIE, EKONOMIESE ONTWIKKELING EN BEPLANNING Civic Offices KIMBERLEY 22 October 2021 29 October 2021 27521424540SGZZZZZWM
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