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General Notice No. 280 of 2022
Spatial Planning and land use Management act (16 of 2013) » erf 2823
Spatial Planning and land use Management act (16 of 2013) » erf 2823
Provincial Gazettes (Northern Cape)
, No.
of 10 October, 2022, 1 page(s), 53.3Kb
4 No. 2546 PrOviNcial Gazette, 10 OctOber 2022 GENERAL NOTICE 280 OF 2022 SOL PLAATJE MUNICIPALITY CLOSURE OF ERF 2823 (PUBLIC OPEN SPACE) KIMBERLEY GENERAL PLAN SG NO F645/1957 TP 12 (4089) NOTICE is hereby given that the Sol Plaatje Municipality has APPROVED the closure of public open space Erf 2823 for the Subdivision and Rezoning thereof to Residential Zone 1, in accordance with Sections 4 (2)(a) (iii) and 4(2)(b) (i)&(x); and Sections 6, 9 & 18 of the Sol Plaatje Land Use Management By-Law 2015, read together with the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (16 of 2013) & Section 37 (2) of the Land Survey Act. 8 of 1997. N TYABASHE-KESIAMANG E.D. STRATEGY, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING Civic Offices KIMBERLEY GENERAL NOTICE 281 OF 2022 SOL PLAATJE MUNICIPALITY IN TERMS SECTION 47 (1) OF SPLUMA ACT 16 OF 2013. REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIVE TITLE CONDITIONS I.R.O. ERVEN 2854, 2855 AND 2856 KIMBERLEY, LONG SOL PLAATJE MUNICIPALITY STREET, ALBERTYNSHOF. IN TERMS SECTION 47 (1) OF SPLUMA ACT 16 OF 2013. Notice is given in terms of Section 47 (1) of Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16/2013 and Section 4 (2)(a)(iv), 4(2)(a)(iii), 4(2)(b)(ii), 4(2)(b)(iii) and 4(2)(b)(v) read together with Section 6, 13 & 20 of the REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIVE TITLE CONDITIONS I.R.O. ERVEN 2854, 2855 AND 2856 KIMBERLEY, LONG Municipality Land Use Management By-Laws 2015, read together with the Spatial Planning and Land Use STREET, ALBERTYNSHOF. Management Act 16/2013 as well as in terms of Section 42(3) of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013, that the Sol Plaatje Municipality has, with effect from 31 August 2022, approved Notice is given in terms of Section 47 (1) of Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16/2013 and the Removal of Restrictive title conditions in Title Deed (T137/2010) Condition D(5), D(6)(a)(b)(c)(d), F(6) Erf Section 4 (2)(a)(iv), 4(2)(a)(iii), 4(2)(b)(ii), 4(2)(b)(iii) and 4(2)(b)(v) read together with Section 6, 13 & 20 of the 2854 Kimberley; T4079/2004 Sections D(v),D(vi)(a)(b)(c)(d), F(6) Erf 2855 Kimberley and T1273/2019 Sections Municipality Land Use Management By-Laws 2015, read C (V),(VI)(a)(b)(c)(d), E(4) Erf 2856 Kimberley be removed. together with the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16/2013 as well as in terms of Section 42(3) of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013, that the Sol Plaatje Municipality has, with effect from 31 August 2022, approved the Removal of Restrictive title conditions in Title Deed (T137/2010) Condition D(5), D(6)(a)(b)(c)(d), F(6) Erf 2854 Kimberley; T4079/2004 Sections D(v),D(vi)(a)(b)(c)(d), F(6) Erf 2855 Kimberley and T1273/2019 Sections C (V),(VI)(a)(b)(c)(d), E(4) Erf 2856 Kimberley be removed. OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKENDE TITEL VOORWAARDES T.O.V. ERWE 2854, 2855 EN 2856 KIMBERLEY, LONGSTRAAT, ALBERTYNSHOF. Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 47 (1) van die Munisipale Ruimtelike Beplanning en ALGEMENE KENNISGEWING 281 VAN 2022 Grondgebruiks Bestuurs Wet, Wet 16/2013 en Artikel 4 (2)(a)(iv), 4(2)(a)(iii), 4(2)(b)(ii), 4(2)(b)(iii) en OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKENDE TITEL VOORWAARDES T.O.V. ERWE 2854, 2855 EN 2856 KIMBERLEY, 4(2)(b)(v) saamgelees met Artikel 6, 13 & 20 van die Munisipale Verordeninge 2015, saamgelees met die LONGSTRAAT, ALBERTYNSHOF. Munisipale Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruiks Bestuurs Wet, Wet 16/2013 sowel as in terme van Artikel 42(3) van die Munisipale Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruiks Bestuurs Wet, Wet 16/2013, Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 47 (1) van die Munisipale Ruimtelike Beplanning en bekend gemaak dat die Sol Plaatje Munisipaliteit, in effek sedert 31 Augustus 2022, die Opheffing van Grondgebruiks Bestuurs Wet, Wet 16/2013 en Artikel 4 (2)(a)(iv), 4(2)(a)(iii), 4(2)(b)(ii), 4(2)(b)(iii) en Beperkende Titel voorwaardes soos uiteengesit in Titelaktes (T137/2010) Voorwaarde D(5), D(6)(a)(b)(c)(d), 4(2)(b)(v) saamgelees met Artikel 6, 13 & 20 van die Munisipale Verordeninge 2015, saamgelees met die F(6) Erf 2854 Kimberley; T4079/2004 Voorwaarde D(v),D(vi)(a)(b)(c)(d), F(6) Erf 2855 Kimberley en T1273/2019 Munisipale Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruiks Bestuurs Wet, Wet 16/2013 sowel as in terme van Voorwaarde C (V),(VI)(a)(b)(c)(d), E(4) Erf 2856 Kimberley opgehef het. Artikel 42(3) van die Munisipale Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruiks Bestuurs Wet, Wet 16/2013, bekend gemaak dat die Sol Plaatje Munisipaliteit, in effek sedert 31 Augustus 2022, die Opheffing van Beperkende Titel voorwaardes soos uiteengesit in Titelaktes (T137/2010) Voorwaarde D(5), D(6)(a)(b)(c)(d), F(6) Erf 2854 Kimberley; T4079/2004 Voorwaarde D(v),D(vi)(a)(b)(c)(d), F(6) Erf 2855 Kimberley en T1273/2019 Voorwaarde C (V),(VI)(a)(b)(c)(d), E(4) Erf 2856 Kimberley opgehef het.
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