National Gazettes

Dated National Gazettes Pages Days
2018/09/12 National Gazette No. 41902, Vol. 639
Remuneration of Public Office Bearers Act (20/1998) » Recommendations on Pension and Medical Aid Benefits of the former President, mr JG Zuma, No. 549   — President of the Republic of South Africa 5  
National Gazette No. 41900, Vol. 639
Health Professions Act (56/1974) » Regulations defining the scope of the Profession of Psychology, No. 101   — Board Notices 9  
2018/09/07 National Gazette No. 41897, Vol. 639
Local Government » Municipal Electoral Act (27/2000) » Municipal By-elections - 26 September 2018 » Official list of voting stations, No. 548   — Independent Electoral Commission 5  
National Gazette No. 41896, Vol. 639
Marine Living Resources Act (18/1998) » Establishment of a Consultative Advisory Forum (the forum) for Marine Living Resources and invitation for nominations for members of the Forum, No. 942   — Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 5  
National Gazette No. 41895, Vol. 639
South African National Roads Agency Limited and National Roads Act (7/1998) » Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project, toll roads » Amendment to the exemption from the payment of toll » certain public transport services, No. 941   — Department of Transport 2  
Wet op die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Padagentskap Beperk en Nasionale Paaie Wet (7/1998) » Gauteng Deurpadverbeteringsprojek, tolpaaie » Wysiging van die vrystelling van die betaling van tolgeld » Sekere openbare vervoerdienste, No. 941   3  
National Gazette No. 41887, Vol. 639
General and further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act (58/2001) » Approval of the Council for General and further Education and Training Quality Assurance (Umalusis) Policy for the Quality Assurance of Private Colleges for Continuing Education and Training, offering qualifications registered on the General and further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-Framework, and the Accreditation of Private Assessment Bodies, No. 926   — Department of Basic Education 54  
Higher Education Act (101/1997) » Amended Institutional Statute » University of the Western Cape, No. 927   — Department of Higher Education and Training 42  
Births and Deaths Registration Act (51/1992) » Alteration of Forenames, No. 928   — Department of Home Affairs 9  
Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) » Kameelputs Farm no 156, No. 929   — Department of Rural Development and Land Reform 1  
Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) » Lot no 25, Eastwood, No. 930   1  
See all notices for Gazette 41887...    
National Gazette No. 41884, Vol. 639
< 2018/09/20
